Mariners are advised of a new 5 knot speed limit zone for the Williamstown maritime precinct.
The zone has been established as a key recommendation of the Williamstown Maritime Precinct Wave, Wash and Surge Study 2022, the new 5 knot speed limit zone is established as a waterway rule under Schedule 1 of the Vessel Operating & Zoning Rules for Victorian Waters (VOZR) as follows:
1.5.7 Five (5) knot speed restriction zones
All waters of North-West Port Phillip unless designated as a 5 knot zone below are subject to a 5 knot speed restriction within 200 metres of the water’s edge, excluding areas prohibited to vessels.
(b) Williamstown Maritime Precinct
The waters bound by the Williamstown foreshore and Port of Melbourne
waters, from the end of Sandy Point Breakwater 2 (37° 51.106’ S, 144°
54.332’ E) to a point (37° 51.113’ S, 144° 54.418’ E) approximately 10
metres west of No. 24 port lateral pile, then south easterly to a point
(37° 51.386’ S, 144° 54.679’ E) approximately 600 metres off the head of
Boyd Pier at the Port waters of the Port of Melbourne port limits then
south-west to the head of Boyd Pier (37°51.685' S 144°54.519' E), then
easterly to Anne Street Pier at the Port waters of the Port of Melbourne
port limits, then following the western side of the Anne Street Pier
through to the shoreline.
1.5.13 Exclusive use and special purpose areas
(b) Williamstown Maritime Precinct - control of vessels
The following vessels are exempt from the provisions of clause 1.5.7(b) of this Notice, and a master of these vessels must not exceed 5 knots within 200 metres of the Williamstown foreshore:
(i) Sea planes
(ii) Vessels under sail
The new 5 knot speed limit zone within the local port of Port Phillip is adjacent to a new, reciprocal Ports Victoria 5 knot speed limit zone, both zones are illustrated in the attached chartlet. The Ports Victoria 5 knot speed limit zone in the Williamstown Maritime Precinct will also take effect at the same time on 30 April 2024.
Mariners are required to navigate at a speed of 5 knots or less within the new Williamstown speed limit zone unless operating in accordance with the exemption.