Victorian Notice to Mariners

The following Notice to Mariners is published for general information.

09 December 2024 Victoria - Australia

9 December 2024

No. 526 – 2024

Local Port of Port Phillip

St Kilda

St Kilda Pier – New Pier Open




Mariners are advised that the newly redeveloped St Kilda Pier is open.  The new pier is situated at approximate location; 37°51.891’S, 144°58.045’E (WGS84) and is parallel with the south side of the former pier footprint.
The low landing on the new pier remains closed until demolition of the former pier and maintenance dredging of the landing berthing pocket is complete. 
The outer public pontoon remains closed due to construction activities. Access remains available to RMYS and St Kilda ferry passengers only.
Mariners are advised that set asides and exclusion zones remain in place around the new, and former pier structures until demolition and dredging is complete.  These areas will be delineated by exclusion buoys and signage when active. Please refer to the Previous Notices noted above.

Mariners are advised not to enter any Set Aside works areas, and to navigate with caution within the vicinity of the pier.

Previous notice:

No. 284(T)-2024 and 525(T)-2024 are referred.

Charts & Publications Affected:

AUS 143, AUS 155, AU5SKI01

Further Notice:

A further Notice will be issued.


If you require any further information, please contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963

David Ritman

Manager Regional Planning

Southern and Maritime Region

If you wish to receive Parks Victoria issued Notice to Mariners, please email your details to To view Notices, visit

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