Public Notices

Parks Victoria publishes public notices where relevant, including information regarding leases and boating and waterway activity exemptions.

Notice of boating activity exclusion zone - RISING

Event name:

RISING - Monochord

Date/time of event:

28 May 2022 - 14 June 2022


Yarra River - Princes Bridge


Marine Safety Act 2010
Section 208(2)

Parks Victoria as the declared waterway manager for the Yarra River upstream of the Port Waters of the Port of Melbourne hereby gives notice under section 208(2) of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) that all persons and vessels not registered to take part in the RISING – Monochord event are prohibited from entering and remaining in the following waters.

Waters of Yarra River – extending from the northern pylon or southern pylon of the centre arch of Princes Bridge in a diagonal line, to a point 90 metres upstream and downstream along the southern bank.

The exclusion zone will be in effect from Saturday 28 May 2022 to Tuesday 14 June as per the attached schedule.

By order of Parks Victoria
Dated: 26/05/22

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