Public Notices
Road Management Plan Review
Parks Victoria is responsible for managing a diverse estate of more than 4 million hectares including 3,000 land and marine parks and reserves making up 18 per cent of Victoria’s landmass, including 66,000 built assets and approximately 14,500km of roads and tracks. These roads are grouped into two broad categories, public roads, and operational roads.
Parks Victoria acts as a road authority for public roads located on crown land where Parks Victoria has been appointed as a Committee of Management, which makes up a very small proportion (34 km) of the public roads on land managed by Parks Victoria. This 34 kilometers of public roads are managed in accordance with the Parks Victoria Road Management Plan.
The road authority for all other public roads on Parks Victoria managed land is the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) and these public roads are managed under the DEECA Road Management Plan (PDF).
Parks Victoria is currently undertaking a review of its Road Management Plan.
Notification was provided in the Victorian Government Gazette on the 23 May 2024.
Parks Victoria will be accepting submissions regarding the content of the draft Road Management Plan (PDF) until 5pm Friday 21 June. All feedback will be considered in preparing the final plan to be adopted.
By order of Parks Victoria
Dated: 23/05/24