Public Notices

Parks Victoria publishes public notices where relevant, including information regarding leases and boating and waterway activity exemptions.

Set Aside Determination

Event name:

MasterChef US 15

Date/time of event:

Wednesday 27th November 2024


Local Port of Port Phillip - Williamstown


Port Management Act 1995 (Vic.)
Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015
Set Aside Determination – Regulation 11(1)
Local Port of Port Phillip
As the Port Manager of the Local Port of Port Phillip, Parks Victoria has set aside an area of Port Phillip to facilitate the MasterChef US 15 from 8:15am until 5:30pm on Wednesday on 27th of November 2024 in respect to the waters off Williamstown surrounding Gem Pier. The set aside prohibits all persons, other than those persons participating in the filming for MasterChef US 15 from entering the area between times and dates as outlined. The full declaration including event information is available on Parks Victoria’s website.
By Order Parks Victoria.
Date: 20/11/2024