Public Notices

Parks Victoria publishes public notices where relevant, including information regarding leases and boating and waterway activity exemptions.

Set Aside Determination and Declaration of Boating Activity Exemption

Event name:

Frankston Swim Classic

Date/time of event:

Saturday 8 February 2025, 8:00am to 12:00pm


Local Port of Port Phillip, adjacent to the Frankston Yacht Club extending, 200 metres offshore and continuing 500 metres north-east


Port Management Act 1995 (Vic.)
Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015
Set Aside Determination – Regulation 11(1)
Local port of Port Phillip
I, Reece Taranto, A/District Manager Port Phillip Western Port District of Parks Victoria (as delegate of the Port Manager), determine under Regulation 11(1) of the Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015 that the areas defined in the following table are set aside for the purposes and conditions specified.
This determination has been made in accordance with Regulation 11(2)
 (b)          if the port manager reasonably believes that there is imminent risk of—
(i)            harm or damage to—
(A)          the health or safety of any person; or
(B)           local port facilities or other property; or
(C)           the natural environment; or
(ii)           significant interference with the safe, efficient and effective management of the local port.
In accordance with Regulation 11(4), this determination replaces any previous set aside determination made by the port manager in respect of that area or any part there of that area for the period specified in this temporary determination. 
This determination applies from 8.00am to 12:00pm on Saturday 8 February 2025.
Signed at Melbourne
by            Reece Taranto
                 A/District Manager Port Phillip Western Port District
                 on     30/12/24

Reasonable conditions (Regulation 14)
Determination to set aside an area in a local port in which access to that area is prohibited or restricted for not more than 90 days.
To set aside an area for the safety of participants and vessels competing in the Frankston Swim Classic
That area of Port Phillip Bay adjacent to the Frankston Yacht Club, extending 200 metres offshore and continuing 500 metres north-east at the below approximate locations (WGS84):
1) 38°8.6720’S, 145°6.8860’E
2) 38°8.4180’S, 145°6.9910’E
Mariners are requested to avoid the competition area during the Set Aside period and follow the direction of event marshals and safety personnel.