Public Notices
Parks Victoria publishes public notices where relevant, including information regarding leases and boating and waterway activity exemptions.
Boating Activity Exemption The Rip Swim and Race
Event name:
The Rip Swim and Race
Date/time of event:
1st February 2025 9:30-3:00pm. 5th July 8:00am- 1:00pm and 6th July 2025 8:30am-1:30pm
Local Port of Port Phillip
Parks Victoria as the declared waterway manager for the Local Port of Port Phillip, makes the
following declaration under section 203(3) of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic).
For the purposes of boating activity conducted by Spirited Away Pty Ltd, persons and vessels
involved in the Rip Swim and Race are exempt from the following requirements:
State Rules made under the Marine Act 1988
1. Clause 2(a) – must not exceed 5 knots within 50 metres of a person in the water
2. Clause 2(c) – must not exceed 5 knots within 50 metres of another vessel
3. Clause 4(a) – must not exceed 5 knots within 200 metres of the water’s edge
4. Clause 4(b) – must not exceed 5 knots within 50 metres of a wharf, jetty, slipway, diving
platform or boat ramp
Waterway Rules made under the Marine Safety Act 2010 / Marine Act 1988
5. Clause 1.4.7 of Schedule 1 – 5 knot speed restriction area of South West Port Phillip
6. Clause 1.4.12(c) of Schedule 1 – the master of a personal watercraft must not operate the
personal watercraft for any purpose other than transiting in the safest most direct course to,
or from the shore and/or boat ramp or berthing facility (including a jetty, pier or mooring),
whilst operating within designated 5 knot speed restriction zone
7. Clause 1.3.7(c) of Schedule 1 – 5 knot speed restriction of South East Port Phillip
8. Clause 1.3.12(a) of Schedule 1 – the master of a personal watercraft must not operate the
personal watercraft for any purpose other than transiting in the safest most direct course to,
or from the shore and/or boat ramp or berthing facility (including a jetty, pier or mooring),
whilst operating within designated 5 knot speed restriction zone
Subject to the conditions detailed below:
• Masters of rescue vessels (including personal watercraft) are only exempt from 1 to 5 & 7 when
undertaking a rescue operation to retrieve persons in distress, provide for their initial medical or
other needs and deliver them to a place of safety on shore.
• Masters of rescue personal watercraft are exempt from items 6 & 8 for the duration of the event.
• Occupants of all rescue vessels (including personal watercraft) and rescue paddle craft involved
with the event must wear a lifejacket at all times during the event, and vessels and craft must
have all prescribed safety equipment.
• Life Saving Victoria vessels are exempt from specified safety equipment as outlined in
Exemption Notice 1, if operating in accordance with the ‘Exemptions for Life Saving Victoria
• The exemptions apply to the times and dates as specified in Table 1 below, to the vessels and
craft listed within the event application who are participating in The Rip Swim and Race event on
the waters of Port Phillip from Point Nepean to Point Lonsdale front beach.
• The exemptions apply provided the stated safety controls and undertakings detailed in the
application form and associated documentation are adhered to.
• In the event of any injuries which result in hospitalisation, a fatality or an incident involving a
person or vessel not involved in the event, these must be immediately reported to Victoria Police
and Safe Transport Victoria (ST Vic). In the case of all other incidents ST Vic requires incident
reports within seven (7) days and a finalised report within 30 days.
Table 1 – The Rip Swim and Race 2025
Day Date Time
Saturday 1 February 2025 9:30am - 3:00pm
Saturday 5 July 2025 8:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday 6 July 2025 8:30am - 1:30pm
By Order of Parks Victoria
Dated:28th January 2025
By order of Parks Victoria
Dated: 28/01/25