Public Notices

Parks Victoria publishes public notices where relevant, including information regarding leases and boating and waterway activity exemptions.

Declaration of Boating Activity Exemption

Event name:

Club2Club Swim

Date/time of event:

9:20am to 11:15am on Saturday 8 February 2025 (back-up date Saturday 15 February 2025)


Local Port of Port Phillip, waters between Aspendale and Edithvale Beach



Parks Victoria as the declared waterway manager for the Local Port of Port Phillip Bay, makes the following declaration under section 203(3) of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic).

For the purposes of boating activity conducted by the Aspendale Life Saving Club, persons and vessels involved in the Club2Club Swim are exempt from the following requirements:

State Rules made under the Marine Act 1988
1. Clause 2(a) – must not exceed 5 knots within 50 metres of a person in the water
2. Clause 2(c) – must not exceed 5 knots within 50 metres of another vessel
3. Clause 4(a) – must not exceed 5 knots within 200 metres of the water’s edge

Waterway Rules made under the Marine Safety Act 2010 / Marine Act 1988
4. Clause 1.2.7 of Schedule 1 – 5 knot speed restriction within 200 metres of the water’s edge - East Port Phillip
5. Clause 1.2.9(c)(ii) & (d) of Schedule 1 - areas prohibited to vessels at Aspendale and Edithvale
6. Clause 1.2.12(b) of Schedule 1 – the master of a personal watercraft must not operate the personal watercraft for any purpose other than transiting in the safest most direct course to, or from the shore and/or boat ramp or berthing facility (including a jetty, pier or mooring), whilst operating within designated 5 knot speed restriction zone

Subject to the conditions detailed below:

Masters of rescue vessels (including personal watercraft (PWC) support/rescue vessels) are only exempt from items 1 to 5 when undertaking a rescue operation to retrieve persons in distress, provide for their initial medical or other needs and deliver them to a place of safety on shore and must adhere to speed, distance and PWC riding rules at all other times.
Masters of support/rescue PWCs are only exempt from item 6 for the duration of the event. 
Occupants of powered rescue vessels (including PWC support/rescue vessels) involved with the event must wear a lifejacket at all times during the event and PWC support/rescue vessels must have all prescribed safety equipment.
Masters of mechanically powered LSV vessels up to and including 4.8 metres in length (other than personal watercraft) are exempt from the carriage of specified safety equipment whilst within visual range of a staffed lifesaving facility or flagged area, as per the Exemptions for Life Saving Victoria vessels in Exemption Notice 1.
The exemptions apply from 9:20am to 11:15am on Saturday 8 February 2025 (back-up date Saturday 15 February 2025) to persons and vessels involved in the Club2Club Swim within the event waters between Aspendale and Edithvale Beach, extending approximately 200 metres from shore.
The exemptions apply provided the stated safety controls and undertakings detailed in the application form and associated documentation are adhered to. 

By order of Parks Victoria
Dated: 29/01/25

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