Altona Pier (Local Port of Port Phillip, Altona Pier)


Altona Pier (Local Port of Port Phillip, Altona Pier)

Altona Pier is a significant local landmark, which is an important element within the cultural landscape of the Altona foreshore. It is a popular fishing spot, with nearby cafes, barbeque, picnic, playground and public toilet facilities.

Public berthing is available on Altona Pier for up to 48 hours at a time (vessels should be attended).
The end of Altona Pier, is a common fishing spot for many local anglers, particularly with the addition of an artificial reef located about 50 meters after the end of the pier. It’s a popular spot with Kayakers that fish just beyond the end of the pier drifting for flathead and snapper.

The western side of the Pier is a great place for kite surfing. Altona Beach is fairly calm, with small waves only appearing whilst a strong southerly is blowing. It is best for swimmers to partake in aquatic activity on the eastern side of the pier within the designated swimming only zone, which is patrolled regularly by lifeguards in the summer.

More recently paddle boarding has become a popular recreation activity at Altona due to the calm waters.

Jumping and diving off the pier and other structures is prohibited for public safety. There are shallow areas and often unexpected submerged objects.

Ensure dogs are kept on lead at all times and clean up after your dog.

Alcohol possession and consumption is prohibited on Altona Pier.

How to get there

Altona Pier (Local Port of Port Phillip, Altona Pier)

Need to know

Altona Pier (Local Port of Port Phillip, Altona Pier)

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are allowed but must be on a leash


  • No fires permitted
  • No jumping or diving off piers or jetties
  • Boating zones apply
  • Load, weight restrictions
  • Management vehicle only
  • No vehicles


  • Water hazards
    • Shallow water
    • Strong currents
    • Submerged obstacles
    • Deep water
  • Terrain hazards
    • Slippery surface
    • Uneven ground
  • Animals and pests
    • Stingers
    • Sharks

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.
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