Statement of commitment to child safety
Parks Victoria’s Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Parks Victoria has zero tolerance for child abuse and all forms of harm to children. Parks Victoria is committed to child safety and wellbeing in accordance with the Child Safe Standards, compulsory minimum standards for all organisations in Victoria providing services to children under the age of 18 years.
Parks Victoria is committed to:
- the wellbeing, safety, participation and empowerment of children;
- the promotion of cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds;
- the establishment and continuous improvement of our child safe policy and supporting procedures;
- involving families and the community, where possible, in promoting child safety and wellbeing;
- working to minimise risk to the wellbeing and safety of children in both online and physical environments;
- the prevention of child abuse by regularly training and educating our employees to identifying risks early, and work on removing and reducing those risks;
- taking all reasonable steps for thorough recruitment due diligence, including the requirement that all employees, contractors and volunteers in public facing roles hold a valid Working with Children Check;
- the provision of clear, fair and transparent processes in responding to, and the timely reporting of, actual or suspected child abuse; and
- the modelling of Child Safe Standards at Parks Victoria by the leadership team.
If you have any feedback on how we champion child safety and wellbeing, or would like to report an incident or make a complaint, please contact Parks Victoria through the Compliments and Complaints page.
If you would like to report an emergency child safety incident, please call '000' to report the matter first.