About us
Parks Victoria is a statutory authority of the Victorian Government acting in accordance with the Parks Victoria Act 2018. Parks Victoria recognises the value and importance of working in partnership with Traditional Owners to manage parks and reserves in a culturally sensitive and ecologically appropriate way.
Parks Victoria is responsible for managing a diverse estate of more than 4 million hectares including 3,000 land and marine parks and reserves making up 18 per cent of Victoria’s landmass, 75 per cent of Victoria’s wetlands and 70 per cent of Victoria’s coastline. Victoria’s parks are home to more than 4,300 native plants and around 1,000 native animal species.
Parks Victoria’s estate attracts more than 100 million visits every year and we are committed to providing accessible, enjoyable, diverse programs and destinations while protecting and enhancing environmental and cultural values. It is our primary responsibility to ensure parks are healthy and resilient for current and future generations. For more detail on our strategy and direction, please read our Corporate Plan 2020-24 and Land Management Strategy.
We work in partnership with other government and non-government organisations and community groups, catchment management authorities, private land owners, friends groups, volunteers, licensed tour operators, lessees, research institutes and the broader community.
Research suggests spending time in nature improves concentration, learning, problem solving, creativity and has physical and mental health benefits. Parks Victoria developed and named this approach Healthy Parks Healthy People which recognises the health of nature and the community is interlinked.
Parks Victoria is proud to be an All One Together Campaign Ambassador. Read our CEO statement for the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria's campaign. Through our Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2023-2026 Parks Victoria will build its efforts to reduce those barriers, make our parks more accessible to all and grow Parks Victoria to be a more inclusive and representative organisation. The Parks Victoria Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2026 provides a clear framework for us to continue to build our safe and inclusive workplace to develop a gender equal Parks Victoria. Read the supplementary materials and latest progress report here.
Further information about our management responsibilities and activities can be found in Parks Victoria's Annual Reports and the National Parks Act Annual Reports found below.
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2023-24 National Parks Act Annual Report 2023-24
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2022-23 National Parks Act Annual Report 2022-23
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2021-22 National Parks Act Annual Report 2021-22
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2020-21 National Parks Act Annual Report 2020-21
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2019-20 National Parks Act Annual Report 2019-20
Parks Victoria Annual Report 2018-19 National Parks Act Annual Report 2018-19
Into nature to create a better Victoria
The Board is responsible for directing and monitoring the business of Parks Victoria and is accountable to the Minister for its overall performance.
The leaders responsible for Victoria's park and waterway management agency Parks Victoria.
Parks Victoria protects and enhances over four million hectares of parks. It is also the Local Port Manager for Port Phillip Bay, Western Port and Port Campbell and the Waterway Manager for the Yarra and Maribyrnong rivers.
Victoria’s parks are highly valued by the community and they also play an often unrecognised role in providing benefits that flow beyond park boundaries to contribute to Victoria’s health, wellbeing, liveability and economy.
Parks Victoria charges a range of fees for services and regulatory purposes, including licensing and registering certain activities.
All offers of gifts, benefits or hospitality made to Parks Victoria staff must be declared (whether accepted or declined) on Parks Victoria’s internal Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register.
Parks Victoria has an important role in caring for Country. We champion the importance of nature by managing, protecting and sharing Victoria's precious places. By putting nature first today, we have a vision for tomorrow.
The Parks Charge is collected once every year on behalf of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Funds raised go to Parks Victoria, Zoos Victoria, the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance.
Under the Parks Victoria Act 2018, Parks Victoria’s responsibilities are to provide services to the state and its agencies for the management of parks, reserves and other land under the control of the state.