Castle Cove Day Visitor Area (Great Otway National Park)


Castle Cove Day Visitor Area (Great Otway National Park)

How to get there

Castle Cove Day Visitor Area (Great Otway National Park)

Need to know

Castle Cove Day Visitor Area (Great Otway National Park)

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are not allowed


  • No bicycles
  • No firearms allowed
  • No camping
  • No fires permitted
  • No dogs allowed


  • Terrain hazards
    • Unstable cliffs
    • Slippery rocks
  • Water hazards
    • Rough Surf
    • Submerged obstacles
  • Animals and pests
    • Snakes

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.

Cora Lynn Cascades Walking Track Closure

Cora Lynn Cascades walking track is currently closed due to damaged infrastructure. Please note this closure will affect you if you plan to walk from Allenvale through to Erskine falls and vice versa. 

Kalimna Tramline link walk and Upper Kalimna is closed

The Kalimna Tramline link walk is closed due to damage to a pedestrian bridge. Walkers can still access the Lower Kalimna Waterfall via the Kalimna Falls Walking Track, which starts at Sheoak Picnic Area. Upper Kalimna Falls closed until further notice.

Aire River West Camp ground - Sites 24 - 40 - CLOSED

  • Sites 24  to 40 at  the Aire West Campground are CLOSED due to flooding
  • Due to an ongoing river mouth closure these sites are inundated and not suitable for camping. 
  • Sites 1 -23 are not impacted.
  • The Great Ocean Walk hike in camp sites are not impacted.
  • Closed areas can not be booked nor camped in.
  • National Park Regulations apply. 
  • It is anticipated these sites may be next be availed for booked campers from  March 2025.
  • Flood water can be hazardous.
  • Visitors and campers should avoid flood water.

Colac Tree Road Open, Skinners Track Closed

Colac Tree Road within the Great Otway National Park will re-open at 5pm on Monday 2nd December with a 40kph restriction.

Skinners Creek Track, within the Great Otway National Park, will remain closed until further notice. 

These restrictions will be in place due to fire impacting the area. 

Large Haulage Trucks Carting Timber Within the Aire Valley

Visitors to the Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park will need to be aware that large Haulage Trucks will be using the Aire Valley area to harvest plantation timber.

Hopetoun Falls, Aire Valley Reserve (The Redwoods) within the Great Otway National Park and Beauchamp Falls within the Otway Forest Park will be affected.

Trucks will be using Binns Road, Beauchamp Falls Road and Seaview Ridge Road. Traffic Management signage and speed reductions will be implemented.

Please take care when driving and visiting these areas.

Great Ocean Walk Water Tanks Low or Empty

Due to the recent warm and dry weather, drinking water in the rainwater tanks along the Great Ocean Walk have become low and in some cases empty, such as at the Blanket Bay walk in campsite.

Due to the remote nature of the campsites, Parks Victoria, DOES NOT guarantee rainwater availability at each campsite.
Hikers are responsible for their own water requirements. Tank-rainwater, when present, can be treated in several
ways such as filtering and boiling or adding sterilisation tablets. 

Further information about the Great Ocean Walk can be found here:
Plan for a safe, unforgettable experience on the Great Ocean Walk

Great Ocean Walk @ AIre River

  • The Aire River estuary mouth remains closed.
  • Hikers on approach from the east towards the Aire River hike in campsite will be exposed to high river levels.
  • Knee deep water may be anticipated in parts.
  • Hikers are advised to go around deeper water.
  • The Aire West hike in campground is not impacted.
  • Should water levels become unsafe; a track closure may be needed.
  • If hikers can not negotiate river water they are advised not to proceed west from Cape Otway.
  • The river mouth may open naturally at any time, or can be encouraged to do so when safe and suitable conditions allow. 

Great Ocean Walk - Important Notice

Parks Victoria is received increasing reports of concerning observations on the Great Ocean Walk .

This includes use of bikes, horses, unrestrained dogs, campfires and hikers arriving at their pre-booked campsites only to find them already occupied.

🔹 All hikers must book a campsite before their trip, even though camping is free.
🔹 Camping without a booking or outside designated areas is not permitted.
🔹 Campfires are NOT permitted at any Great Ocean Walk hike-in campsite.
🔹 Only medical certified companion animals are permitted (on lead).
🔹 The Great Ocean Walk is a walking/hiking trail - not a  long distance horse, trail bike or Mountain bike course.

National Park Regulations Apply.
Parks Victoria Authorised Officers patrol the Great Ocean Walk.  
Evidence of a booking must be shown to a Parks Victoria Ranger on request.
To ensure a fair and safe experience for all:
✅ Book your campsite before starting your walk.
✅ Only camp in designated areas and at your assigned site.
✅ Respect fellow hikers by only using the site you have booked.
✅ Do not light campfires—use fuel stoves for cooking.
✅ Do report observations of concern.

If you observe:
🚨 A campfire, bikes, animals other than native ones or hikers occupying an already booked site, please report it immediately (when safe to do so) to Parks Victoria on 131 963.

⚠️ Parks Victoria cannot respond to emergency situations involving hikers and campers who have not booked a campsite.

Thank you for helping us protect the Great Ocean Walk and ensuring a safe, enjoyable experience for everyone.
For bookings and further information, visit Parks Victoria’s website.

Parks Victoria
Caring for Country, Connecting People

Melba Gully - Large bus access

Melba Gully Walk Track and picnic area is accessible for large coaches. Toilet facilities are available on site

Maits Rest Carpark- bus access

Maits Rest Carpark is suitable for small coaster buses only. Large buses or coaches are advised to use Melba Gully walk track near Lavers Hill.

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