Grants Picnic Ground (Dandenong Ranges National Park)


Grants Picnic Ground (Dandenong Ranges National Park)

Grants Picnic Ground sits on the edge of the beautiful Sherbrooke Forest. Enjoy a picnic with lyrebirds, Crimson Rosellas and Rainbow Lorikeets as company. With accessible walks leading off from the picnic ground, be dwarfed by towering Mountain Ash trees in this small pocket of cool temperate rainforest.

How to get there

Grants Picnic Ground (Dandenong Ranges National Park)

Need to know

Grants Picnic Ground (Dandenong Ranges National Park)

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are not allowed


  • No camping
  • Fees apply
  • No firearms allowed
  • No fires permitted
  • No horses
  • No dogs allowed


  • Other warnings
    • Trees may fall take care
    • Limbs may fall take care

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.

Deer Control In the Dandenong Ranges National Park

Parks Victoria are continuing deer control in the Dandenong Ranges National Park. This program will be taking place between the hours of 4pm and 7am on a number of nights between August 14, 2024 and December 6, 2024. These control works are being undertaken by accredited and authorised contractors.
For reasons of public safety, various areas of the park will be inaccessible during the evening throughout this period.
Signage will be in place at access points when control activities are occurring. For our own safety please observe the signage during this time and do not enter any closed areas.
For further information please call 131963

Dandenong Creek Track Closed

Dandenong Creek Track is closed between Toroa Track and Viola Track due to a landslip. Visitors are requested to seek an alternative route around the slip area.

Kalorama Park toilets are closed with the disabled toilet open for use

Kalorama Park toilets are closed due to asbestos being discovered in the building, recent vandalism exposed the wall panelling revealing that it contains asbestos. For public safety the affected toilets are closed until works are completed to remove and replace the wall panelling. The disabled toilet does not have asbestos wall cladding and will remain open for the public to use. A time frame for the remediation works is unknown and as soon as funding is secured the works will commence.

Hardy Gully Nature Walk Closed due to storm damage

Hardy Gully Nature Walk has been badly impacted by a heavy rainfall event on the 15th of July 2024. Visitors are requested not to enter the closed trail due to deep scouring of the track surface. A repair date is unknown at this stage as we wait on the outcome of a possible insurance claim.

Camellia Track Closed due to track collapse

Camellia Track has a dangerous collapsed section, only a small hole is visible, however a large cavern has formed under the track, visitors are requested not pass beyond the closure tapes

Acacia Nature Trail Partial Closure

Acacia Nature Trail just beyond the steel foot bridge over Ferntree Gully Creek is closed through to Acacia Picnic ground due to severe erosion, visitors can access the picnic ground and remaining section of trail via Ramblers Track 

Storm Damage affected track and trails

Approximately 15km of tracks and trails in the Dandenong Ranges National Park have been damaged by a heavy rainfall storm event in July 2024. Visitors are requested to remain alert to changing track/trail conditions and to observe any track/trail closures. This advice will stand until further updates are made as repairs take place, this may take several years due to lengthy delays involved with insurance claim processing.

Fox Control Dandenong Ranges National Park

Parks Victoria are continuing the fox control program in the Dandenong Ranges National Park to relieve predation to native fauna. 
Poison Baiting will occur between May - November 2024.
Programs involve the use of buried poison baits and canid pest ejectors containing Sodium Monofluoroacetate (1080) and Para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) in strategic locations across the park. Domestic dogs and cats are at risk from exposure to both poisons.

Under the National Parks Act (1975) dogs and cats cannot be taken into or be allowed to remain within the Dandenong Ranges National Park. 

Valley Picnic Ground access road is closed to cars

  • Valley Picnic Ground access road is closed to visitors cars, visitors are still able to walk in and use the facilities.

Margaret Lester Forest Walk Upgrade Works

In 2024 the Margaret Lester Walking Track is being upgraded to provide an all abilities accessible walking experience. The track will have a 1.2metre wide concrete surface and handrails. Five new stopping points will be created along the track and directional and education signage will be upgraded so people can learn more about the area. Once complete, the track will be a Grade 1 walk, suitable for visitors with prams, wheelchairs or limited mobility, to enjoy the forest.

For more information visit:  

Olinda Falls Lower Viewing Platform and Toilets are Closed

The Olinda Falls lower viewing platform is currently closed due to severe damage caused by a fallen tree. All access to the lower falls area is closed to the public. The viewing platform is expected to be replaced sometime in 2024. 

The picnic facilities and upper viewing platform remain open with the exception of the public toilets, the toilets are closed permanently.

Eagles Nest Picnic Ground access road closure

Eagles Nest picnic ground access road is permanently closed to visitors vehicles at Silvan Road. Pedestrian access remains open.

Sherbrooke Picnic Ground Toilet is Closed due to tree damage

The Sherbrooke Picnic Ground Toilet has been severely damaged by a fallen tree, the toilet block is closed until further notice. Please use the nearby O'Donohue Picnic Ground Toilets

Attachments: Sherbrooke Toilet Damage (319KB)

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