Gunnai Beach Campground (Cape Conran Coastal Park)


Gunnai Beach Campground (Cape Conran Coastal Park)

Gunnai Beach Campground is situated on the western end of the Cape Conran Coastal Park 6 km from Bemm River township and is accessed via Pearl Point Track. (4WD). It is a remote camp nestled amongst Tea Trees, Banksia bush and sand dunes along a stunning wild coastline.
The campground has easy access to the Binn Beach via a sandy track over the dunes which is a great spot for surf fishing or just relaxing or walking.
No toilet facilities are provided, bookings are not required and there is limited room for more than one camp.
Visitor Tip:
Phone reception is poor and fires are only permitted within allocated fireplaces. Dogs must be on a lead at all times. Ticks are common in this area and visitors should take steps to avoid tick bite by wearing protective clothing and using insect repellent.

How to get there

Gunnai Beach Campground (Cape Conran Coastal Park)

Need to know

Gunnai Beach Campground (Cape Conran Coastal Park)

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are allowed but must be on a leash


  • No firearms allowed
  • No generators


  • Water hazards
    • Drop off
    • Rough Surf
    • Deep water
    • Strong currents
  • Animals and pests
    • Sharks
    • Ticks
    • Snakes
  • Other warnings
    • Limbs may fall take care

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.


Parks Victoria is replacing and upgrading the lost accommodation to create enhanced accommodation options for visitors of diverse backgrounds and abilities at the park. For updates please visit the Project status page.

Planned aerial shooting operations targeting deer - Cape Conran Coastal Park & Croajingolong National Park

Parts of Cape Conran Coastal Park and Croajingolong National Park will be closed while aerial shooting operations targeting deer are undertaken.
Closures will apply during the following dates:
16-20 September 2024
9-13 December 2024
2-6 June 2025
Visitors are advised to check the Change of conditions listing prior to arrival for up to date information and maps or call 13 19 63.
For more information about the program please visit this link.

Attachments: Croajingolong NP and Cape Conran CP aerial operations informations map (2,519KB)

Banksia Bluff Campground – Essential maintenance works

Booking availability will be limited at Banksia Bluff Campground from Sunday 18 May to Saturday 31 May 2025 whilst essential maintenance works are completed.

Dog friendly Parks

The wet and warmer weather has brought paralysis ticks out in record numbers. Paralysis ticks are known in Coastal and near by Coastal areas and rainforest gullies.
Keep your dog on lead in permitted parks
Dogs are permitted in many parks and reserves provided they are under control and on leads at all times. Visitors should keep their dog on-lead except in designated off-lead areas. Keeping your dog on a lead ensures you both have a safe park visit.
Poison baits may be laid to control foxes or other feral animals. Baits can be fatal to dogs.
Even if your dog is friendly, other dogs may not be.
Your dog can catch parasites (such as fleas and ticks) from wildlife.
Snake bites are a real risk in natural areas such as parks.
Wildlife such as kangaroos and koalas will defend themselves if threatened by a dog and can cause significant injury to or the death of your dog.
Dog-friendly code of conduct
Consider other park users and ensure that dogs are always kept under effective control.
Always carry a lead, even when in off-lead areas.
Bring a friend if you wish to walk with more than two dogs.
Ensure children are supervised whilst near dogs, as they are vulnerable to attack.
Ensure your dog’s identification, registration and vaccinations are up to date.
Minimise any disturbance to native fauna, including birdlife in the park.
Clean up after your dog and take all rubbish home.

Dock inlet camping coordinates

Access to Dock Inlet Walk camping area from the beach can be identified from a white totem pole on the sand dune, or by the following coordinates: 
Latitude -37.784001
Longitude 148.847296

Attachments: Dock Inlet Walk camping area coordinates and map (1,024KB)

Flood and storm related impacts to vehicle tracks

Conditions apply to the following vehicle tracks due to damage caused by flood and storm events.
  • Pearl Point Road - between Bemm River township and Pearl Point is currently open to 4WD vehicles only.
  • East Yeerung Track - accessible only to 4WD vehicles 

Ground shooting operations targeting deer

Control operations (ground shooting) targeting deer are undertaken in this area.  The Park will remain open to visitors during operations.
For more information about deer control to protect biodiversity, please visit this link.

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