Little River Junction (Snowy River National Park, Snowy River Heritage River)


Little River Junction (Snowy River National Park, Snowy River Heritage River)

How to get there

Little River Junction (Snowy River National Park, Snowy River Heritage River)

Need to know

Little River Junction (Snowy River National Park, Snowy River Heritage River)

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are not allowed


  • No dogs allowed
  • No firearms allowed
  • No horses


  • Water hazards
    • Flash flooding
    • Strong currents
    • Shallow water
    • Submerged obstacles
    • Deep water
  • Other warnings
    • Trees may fall take care
    • Limbs may fall take care
  • Terrain hazards
    • Slippery rocks
    • Steep track
  • Animals and pests
    • Snakes
    • Beware European wasps

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.

Snowy River National Park - Seasonal Closures

Parks Victoria works in partnership with Four Wheel Drive Victoria to ensure tracks are available for visitors to safely access remote locations in our parks through the year.  To ensure tracks are available during the warmer months of the year, many roads and tracks are seasonally closed to vehicles to prevent damage to the tracks and to maintain water quality in sensitive environments during the wetter months.

Seasonal closures apply within Snowy River National Park from Wednesday 12/06/2024 to Wednesday 30/10/2024.

The tracks within the Snowy River National Park affected by seasonal closures are as follows:
Deddick Trail
Bowen Track
Collings Track
Reeds Track
Warm Corners Track
Clem Track
Warbisco Track
Bowen Link Track
Monkeytop Track
Waratah Flat Road
Rich Knob Track

For further information search "Seasonal Road Closures" on the Parks Victoria Website.

Planned aerial shooting operations targeting deer - Snowy River NP

Parts of the Snowy River National Park will be closed while aerial shooting operations targeting deer are undertaken.
Closures will apply during the following dates:
16-20 September 2024
11-15 November 2024
9-13 December 2024
10-14 Feb 2025
2-6 June 2025
See attached map. Visitors are advised to check the Change of conditions listing prior to arrival for up to date information and maps or call 13 19 63.
For more information about the program please visit this link.

Attachments: Snowy River NP aerial operations information map (816KB)

Raymond Creek Falls - damage to campground facilities

Toilet and picnic facilities at Raymond Creek Falls Campground were recently vandalised.  Parks Victoria staff are working to repair and replace the damaged facilities.  Toilet facilities remain open but may not offer the desired level of privacy for some visitors.  Day visitors and campers should also carry sufficient water for their needs.

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