Turpins Falls Scenic Reserve


Turpins Falls Scenic Reserve

Turpins Falls is a beautiful natural water hole at the base of a waterfall tumbling 18 metres over impressive basalt cliffs formed by an ancient lava flow. Located 15 minutes north of Kyneton, it is a popular spot for locals to cool off in the Campaspe River on a warm day.

The base of the falls has beautiful boulders, tree roots and logs for visitors to relax among and enjoy an informal picnic. It is accessed via a short but steep track from the carpark above the falls, with excellent views from the top and the lookout half way down. The falls flow year-round but are at their most impressive after winter and spring rains. In summer they may dry to a trickle.

Visitor Tips: A short unsealed road suitable for 2WD vehicles leads off Shillidays Rd to the car park above the falls. Drive with care and keep the entrance road clear for other visitors and emergency service, by parking on the verges at the side of the road.

A good view of the falls can be appreciated near the car park for those not wanting to make the steep descent. The track down to the rocky area at base of the falls is clearly marked but quite steep and uneven in places, with many steps. 300m one way, Grade 3, 40 minutes return. Please supervise children. In wet weather, the tracks and rocks at the base can be slippery. Take care and watch your footing. Enclosed shoes with a good grip are recommended.

Access to the top of the falls is prohibited and has been closed off for your safety. Lives have been lost and people have been seriously injured as a result of jumping or diving off the cliffs here. The base of the falls is a lovely spot to swim, with easy walking access into the water, but visitors should take care of submerged objects, deep holes, cold water, low visibility and strong currents after heavy rain.

Always supervise children in or near the water, and do not dive or jump in. There is no mobile reception at the base of the falls. In the event of an emergency, send someone up to the car park or back towards Metcalfe or Kyneton and call 000 (or 112 on a mobile).

There are no toilets or other facilities, and no bins. Please take your rubbish home for recycling or disposal. Observe local signage and do not swim if there is a blue-green algae warning.

Turpins Falls is in the North Central fire ban district. Bushfire safety is a personal responsibility. For up to date information on bushfires in Victoria call the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 or go to www.emergency.vic.gov.au.

How to get there

Turpins Falls Scenic Reserve

Need to know

Turpins Falls Scenic Reserve

Warnings & Restrictions


Dogs are not allowed


  • No camping
  • No fires permitted
  • No dogs allowed
  • No firearms allowed


  • Other warnings
    • Unpatrolled area
    • Trees may fall take care
  • Water hazards
    • Deep water
    • Drop off
    • Strong currents
    • Submerged obstacles
  • Terrain hazards
    • Edge
    • Land slippage
    • Slippery rocks
    • Slippery surface

Be Prepared

Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks in Victoria’s parks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care. Find out more.

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.

Turpins Falls closed

Recent flooding events and an increase in visitation have deteriorated the steps down to the Falls.
Following a risk assessment, the entire visitor site has been closed to protect public safety.
Further independent engineering assessment will be undertaken to determine work required to improve track safety at the site.
Signage and fencing are in place to prevent people accessing the car park, track and Falls. Parks Victoria inspects the condition of signage and fencing regularly.
“We ask all visitors to respect the closure of this popular visitor site for their own safety.”

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