Yarra Bend Park accessibility
Before visiting Yarra Bend Park, check the park page for the latest changes of conditions.
Studley Park Picnic Area
There are two designated disabled car parks close to the Studley Park picnic area and boathouse. The parking area is sealed and is well suited for side loading vans.
Images of designated disabled parking bays on left and sealed service road leading down to the boathouse.
Toilet facilities
There is a single toilet block adjacent to the car park with a separate designated unisex accessible toilet facility. The entrance to this is on the roadside. There are grab rails for the toilet on the right side of the toilet and also one of the back wall. The cubicle space is slightly smaller for wheelchair manoeuvrability compared to the new accessible toilets. The vanity allows adequate room underneath to get close and it also has a mirror.
Above image of toilet block showing the unisex accessible toilet entrance
Above images of unisex accessible toilet showing grab railing and vanity basin
Picnic facilities
The path from the car park to the picnic area is sealed and is approximately 65 metres long and descending. Some sections may require assistance as the gradient ranges from 1:8 to 1:10.
The picnic area has two picnic shelters. The one closest to the boathouse has four picnic tables on a level concrete slab. One of these tables has a roll under end feature. A shelter support pole inhibits access to one end of the table with the roll under end feature. Two of the picnic tables around the shelter have overhangs big enough to fit most wheelchairs and are mounted on a level concrete slab.
Above image of sealed access path leading from the car park down to the picnic shelter and barbecues. The gradient of the path is quite steep in sections.
Above images of the picnic shelter and picnic tables at the boathouse end of the picnic area.
The electric barbecues adjacent to the closest shelter are on a level semi-smooth surface and are easy to access from the picnic shelter.
Above images of the gas barbecues
The second picnic shelter near the information shelter is less accessible compared to the other. It has picnic tables on a level solid surface but none of the tables have a roll under end feature. Access to this shelter is by going over a sloped lawn area or via an uneven compacted dirt path.
Above image of the second picnic shelter and gas barbecues provided.
The park Information shelter is accessible for most strollers and wheelchairs. Once down into the picnic area there is a wide, sealed path through the picnic area that is reasonably level in most sections, with some gentle slopes in some areas.
Above images of the information shelter and sealed path going through the picnic area.
Studley Park Boathouse and Café
The lower path to the boathouse and kiosk is the most wheelchair accessible. The kiosk at the boathouse is spacious and the surface area is sealed and level. There are a number of tables with removable chairs to allow wheelchairs access.
Bushland Circuit Trail
This 850 metre loop walk, beginning on the Studley Park picnic area side of the river at Kanes Bridge, is accessible for most strollers and wheelchairs. The trail surface consists of compacted fine gravel dirt and is over 1.2 metres wide. In some trail sections there is a small slope of approximately 1:12 gradient. There are plenty of rest stops with rest benches along the walk that are approximately 100 metres apart.
Above images of the Bushland Circuit trail
Kanes Bridge – access across the Yarra River
There are sealed paths leading to the pedestrian bridge across the Yarra River from both sides. The path on the opposite side of the Studley Park picnic area has a gradient of approximately 1:12 and leads to a car park. The bridge is approximately 1.8 metres wide and the decking consists of timber beams with two-centimetre gaps making it difficult for walking frames or small wheeled strollers/ wheelchairs to go over.
Above image of Kanes Bridge and sealed path leading to the bridge from the Studley Park picnic area side. Second image showing the sealed path from the bridge on the Fairfield side of the river.
Image of one of the two main access paths leading from the Kanes bridge to the Loop Picnic Area on Fairfield side of the Yarra River.
The Loop Picnic Area
There are two adjoining designated disabled car parks near the Kanes Bridge exit path on the Fairfield side. These are located opposite the toilets and allow for side loading vans.
Above image of designated disabled parking bays nears Kanes Bridge on the Fairfield side.
There is also one designated disabled car park close to the Loop Picnic Area. This is sealed but provided limited space for side disembarking for wheelchair user. The access tramp to the picnic area is located further along the car park.
Above image of designated parking bay close the Loop Picnic Area.
Toilet facilities
The path from the Kanes Bridge exit path to the toilet block is sealed and reasonably level. The toilet block has a unisex accessible toilet. There are grab rails beside and behind, but the toilet fixture is quite low.
The toilets are about 100 metres down the road from the Loop Picnic Area.
Above image of toilet block. This is currently closed for maintenance works.
Picnic facilities
Access to the picnic shelter, tables and barbecues at Loop Picnic area is over a relatively level grassed area that would be accessible when the grass is mown short. The picnic shelter has a concrete slab with two picnic tables but they have no roll-under end feature. However, the shelter could still be utilised as it provides a stable surface and some protection from the weather. There are two electric barbecues within a few metres of the picnic shelter.
Image of picnic shelter and electric barbecues (currently out of order).
At the picnic area there is also a white rotunda with a level concrete floor, outer bench seating and a high middle bench that could also be utilised. There are also electric barbecues close to this rotunda.
Above image of the white rotunda and electric barbecues (currently out of order) close by.
Access to the information shelter is difficult for wheelchair users. There is a children’s playground in the picnic area that is not fully accessible.
Above images of playground equipment.
Westfield Reserve Picnic Area
There is a designated disabled parking bay in the Westfield Reserve picnic area car park that allows adequate room for disembarking in a wheelchair. This located very close to the main pedestrian path through the reserve and to the toilets.
Above image of the designated disabled parking bay at Westfield Reserve Picnic area
The toilet block consists of three unisex ambulant toilets and a unisex accessible toilet. The unisex toilet has an electronic door lock and there is grab railing on right side wall and on the rear wall. There is also a baby change table and accessible vanity basin in the room.
Above images of the toilet block and access ramp from the car park
Above images of unisex accessible toilet showing the grab railing, fold down baby change bench and toilet vanity. This toilet has electronic open and close/lock buttons at easy reach.
Above image showing the layout of the three ambulant unisex toilets. A communal wash basin is located out the front of the toilet block.
There is a large picnic area approximately 150 metres from the main car park. This shelter consists of six picnic tables and electric barbecues. The picnic tables have roll under space for wheelchairs and strollers. Access to the shelter is via a wide compacted gravel path leading from the car park. Sections of the path are steep.
Image of large picnic shelter and the main access gravel path to it.
Image showing the location of the large picnic shelter from the main car park.
Bell Bird Picnic Area
The Bellbird picnic area is located on the Kew side of the Yarra River. A short walk from Bellbird Picnic Area is where visitors can view the Grey Headed Flying Foxes roosting in the trees along the Yarra River.
There is a designated disabled parking bay at the entrance to the upper path leading to the bat viewing area. There is sealed and provides ample room for disembarking on the right side and rear of the vehicle. The path to the bat viewing area is reasonably level and has a surface of fine compacted gravel. The viewing area allows visitors in wheelchairs and strollers to see the bats roosting on the tree branches.
Above images of the designated disabled car parking bay and upper access path leading to the bat viewing area.
Above image of the bat viewing area
The main lower path to the bat viewing area is a wide compacted gravel path that starts at the bottom of the car park at Bellbird picnic area. This path is quite steep in some sections and not suitable for wheelchair users.
Above images of the lower main path leading to the bat viewing area.
Close to the actual Bellbird picnic area are two disabled parking bays. One allows ample room for disembarking on the left side while the second bay allows room for disembarking on the right side. These are located close to the toilet block and access is via a compacted gravel path.
Above images of the designated disabled parking bays and the access path leading down to the toilet block.
Toilet facilities
The toilet block consists of separate male and female toilets. There is no accessible toilet provided.
Picnic facilities
There is a picnic shelter and electric barbeque located on the other side of the toilet block. Access is via a compacted gravel path leading from the car park. This path has a gradient of 1:12 in some sections. The picnic tables do not provide the roll under feature for wheelchairs. A electric barbecue is located within a few metres of the picnic shelter. Most of the paths in Bellbird picnic area are quite steep including the sealed paths leading down to the canoe ramp on the Yarra river.
Above image of picnic shelter and electric barbecues.
Canoe launching area
Access to the canoe ramp is via a sealed path from the car park or alternatively from the picnic area. Both paths are quite steep and these are not recommended for wheelchair users.
Above image of main sealed path down to the canoe launcher from the car park and image of the canoe launching area.