Churchill National Park and Lysterfield Park Management Plan amendment
Parks Victoria amended the management plan for Churchill National Park and Lysterfield Park to reflect changes to the recreational use of these parks over the past twenty years. The scope of this amendment process was to recognise mountain biking as a significant recreational activity in the park, document existing trails, update management zones and ensure contemporary management practices for Aboriginal cultural heritage are reflected in the management plan.
Since the construction of most of the park’s mountain bike network in 2005, trail development and maintenance has been completed by Parks Victoria staff, construction companies and volunteers. Recognising the strong current and past community involvement in the park, this amendment process involved extensive community and stakeholder consultation to ensure the management plan reflects community values.
Between 2019-2020, Parks Victoria undertook consultation and planning with more than 600 participants who provided their views and technical knowledge to help shape the management plan amendments.
See our management plans and strategies for the Churchill National Park and Lysterfield Park Management Plan.
If you have any questions regarding the project please get in touch at
Become a volunteer
Volunteers play an integral role in helping maintain Lysterfield Park and Churchill National Park. Become an official Parks Victoria volunteer by visiting ParkConnect or Lysterfield District Trail Riders.
Community engagement documents:
Churchill National Park and Lysterfield Park Management Plan Amendment