Rebuild of Banksia Bluff activity centre at Cape Conran Coastal Park
Parks Victoria was seeking community input to understand the future usage and requirements of the Banksia Bluff activity centre at Cape Conran Coastal Park. The building was burnt during the 2019/20 summer bushfires and will need to be rebuilt.
The activity centre was a much-loved amenity providing an educational area for the Junior Ranger program, schools and other special interest groups. It also provided a valuable undercover recreation area and a central meeting place for campers and visitors alike.
The purpose of engagement was to understand how the centre is being used, what facilities are most important, and what additional facilities are desired should additional funding become available. Community responses indicated the centre was primarily used to read information displays. There was a preference for future funding to be dedicated towards providing information about local Traditional Owner history and culture and the surrounding environment.
If you have any questions regarding the project please get in touch at
Community engagement documents:
Rebuild of Banksia Bluff activity centre at Cape Conran Coastal Park