Compliance and enforcement
Parks Victoria is entrusted with the management of some of Victoria’s most environmentally and culturally significant areas. This is why the parks we manage have more restrictions on visitor activities than other public land, such as state forests- so that we can protect these special places from overuse and damaging processes.
The majority of visitors to parks and reserves respect the environment and look after provided facilities. Unfortunately, a small number act in ways that threaten the environment and cultural heritage, or affect the enjoyment of others.
To reduce this behaviour many Parks Victoria staff are given authority under state legislation to enforce park regulations. This can involve enforcing legislation by giving lawful directions (i.e. to leave a park), seizing items used in the commission of an offence, requesting that a person state their name and address, conducting investigations, issuing fines and prosecuting cases through the courts.
Enforcement Operations
Enforcement operations allow Authorised Officers to intensively target particular illegal activities in a specified area or for a defined period of time. Learn more about our enforcement operations here.
Reporting problems
Information from members of the public can help prevent our environment and park infrastructure from damage.
If you observe anyone causing damage to any park infrastructure such as buildings, gates or barriers or any other criminal activity such as theft from motor vehicles contact police on ‘000’.
If you have any information regarding environmental offences in a park such as damage to vegetation, cutting of firewood, carriage of firearms or taking of wildlife contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963 or email
For all offences it is most helpful to record vehicle details and registration numbers, an accurate description of any offenders and as precise details as possible of the location of any offence.
Use of concealed cameras on public land for compliance activities
Parks Victoria does use concealed camera technology on public land and in marine protected areas for the purpose of gathering evidence and information of people committing alleged offences. These offences include habitat destruction, theft of forest produce, illegal fishing and hunting activities, wildlife poaching, and rubbish dumping.
Concealed camera operations are run according to strict procedures and cameras are only installed by authorised officers at specific locations where alleged offences have been reported.
All concealed cameras are installed within the requirements of the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 and all information captured by cameras is handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Images of a private nature not relevant to the alleged offences detected are destroyed.