Inland waters and wetlands
Victoria has a rich variety of inland and estuarine aquatic environments, including flowing waters such as creeks, streams and rivers; and standing waters such as lakes and wetlands. These waters can be permanent or ephemeral, such as intermittently flooded wetlands and red gum floodplains.
Inland waters and wetlands provide habitat for a variety of animals. Some species such as fish and frogs require water throughout their life cycle, some may use aquatic areas for a specific stage of their life cycle (e.g. birds and amphibians), while others may require aquatic environments for resources such as food or as a corridor for movement. The right conditions can result in large and spectacular breeding colonies.
The forest canopy of tall eucalypts, large wattles and broad-leafed shrubs supports 80 per cent of Victoria's possums, gliders and bats and most of the common forest birds and arboreal skinks. The river banks and the rivers themselves support a vast range of invertebrates providing a food source for many native species, including platypus and water rats, kingfishers and swallows, frogs, fish, water skinks and snakes.
More about inland waters and wetlands
- There are over 17,000 wetlands larger than 1ha in Victoria
- Inland waters and wetlands, coupled with the surrounding land, support natural processes that purify water while cycling nutrients and sediments
- They provide important focal points for recreation, tourism and cultural enrichment
Key Threats
- Changes to flow regimes
- Frequency and intensity of flooding – flooding is necessary to provide moisture for the germination and survival of red gum seeds
- Particularly prone to weed invasion
Where to see inland waters and wetlands
- Hattah-Kulkyne National Park
- Barmah National Park