State of the Parks Fourth Edition

Park assets allow visitors to access and enjoy parks, and ensure park management and emergency staff and vehicles have access across the parks network. These assets are monitored throughout the year and regular maintenance is undertaken to ensure their safety and functionality. Park management aims to maximise the proportion of assets that are in excellent to average condition, through Parks Victoria’s Asset Management Strategy.


Diversity of park assets

Condition of park assets


Diversity of park assets

There are over 38,600 assets managed across the Victorian parks network, up from 28,000 assets in 2013. These includes trails, accommodation, carparks, sporting facilities, utilities and visitor facilities such as park furniture, toilets, lookouts, camping grounds, BBQs and playgrounds. Current ownership of assets across the parks estate is being reviewed in line with changes to the Parks Victoria Act 2018.

Number of park facility assets managed across the parks network

number of park facility assets managed across the parks network

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Number of access-based assets managed across the parks network

number of access based assets managed across the parks network

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Number of building and accommodation assets managed across the parks network

number of building and accommodation assets managed across the parks network

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System 


Number of landscaped assets managed across the parks network

number of landscaped assets managed across the parks network

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Number of maritime and waterway assets managed across the parks network

[graph 6.2.1 Number of maritime and waterway assets managed across the parks network]

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Number of utility assets managed across the parks network

number of utility assets managed across the parks network

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of park assets

  • Park managers reported that asset condition (considering all assets within a park) was excellent or good in 27% of relevant parks, fair (serviceable) in 50% of relevant parks and poor in less than 20% of relevant parks. Although 60% of relevant parks reported that the condition of assets was unchanged since 2013, significantly more parks reported that it declined (28% of relevant parks) than improved (12% of relevant parks).

condition of all park assets

*Calculated from parks that were assessed in both 2013 and 2018 (n = 216), excluding parks where condition was unknown

Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments

condition of all park assets


Condition of specific asset classes

  • Based on asset condition assessments for specific asset classes (considering individual assets within a park),
    • between 80% and 95% of park facilities are in average or better condition.
    • At least 84% of access-based assets are in average or better condition.
    • Between 76% and 95% of building and accommodation assets are in average or higher condition.
    • At least 86% of all landscaped assets are in excellent, very good or average condition.
    • Nearly 30% of vessel platforms are in poor or very poor condition, whereas 26% of marine assets are in excellent condition.
    • Between 52% and 92% of most utilities such as communication, gas and drainage are in excellent, very good or average condition. 
Condition of visitor assets

condition of visitor assets

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of access-based assets

condition of access based assets

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of building and accommodation assets

condition of building and accommodation assets

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of landscaped assets

condition of landscapes assets

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of maritime and waterway assets

condition of maritime and waterway assets

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Condition of utility assets* 

condition of utility assets

*Current ownership is being reviewed with changes to the Parks Victoria Act 2018

Data source: Parks Victoria Asset Information System


Data confidence

Confidence in park manager assessments for condition of park assets

data confidence condition of park assets

Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments

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