Notices to Mariners

Notices to Mariners (NTMs) are an official notification issued to mariners providing advice on aids to navigation (AtoNs), safety issues, dangers or hazards to navigation within chartered waters of which authorities have knowledge.

Victorian Notices to Mariners are issued by waterway managers such as Parks Victoria who manages the local port waters of Port Phillip & Western Port.

Notices to Mariners are also issued by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and the Australian Hydrographic Service for Australian territorial waters (beyond 3NM).

All current Victorian Notices to Mariners can be viewed on the Victorian Regional Channels Authority website.

Download Parks Victoria Notices to Mariners published between 1 January and 28 October 2019 (PDF).

For Parks Victoria Notices to Mariners published prior to 1 January 2019, for further information, or to receive Parks Victoria Notices to Mariners, please contact:

Half Moon Bay - Monjon Cerberus Swim Classic
Local Port of Port Phillip | Port Phillip Bay

Port Melbourne Beach – Victorian Champion Lifesaver and R&R Championships
Local Port of Port Phillip | Port Phillip Bay

Mordialloc Creek Entrance – Shallow Depth
Local Port of Port Phillip | Mordialloc

Kerferd Road Pier – Pier Repair Works - Complete
Local Port of Port Phillip | Albert Park

Elwood – Special Mark Racing Buoy R3 – Re-established
Local Port of Port Phillip | Elwood

Half Moon Bay - Swim Event - Cerberus Swim Classic
Local Port of Port Phillip | Black Rock

Altona Pier - WSTC Triathlon Series – Race 4
Local Port of Port Phillip | Altona

Mornington Pier – submerged hazards
Local Port of Port Phillip | Mornington

Collins Bay - 5 Knot Special Mark Buoy - Missing
Local Port of Port Phillip | Portsea

Limeburners Bay - Grammar Jetty – submerged hazards
Local Port of Port Phillip | Corio

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