Community urged to collect timber responsibly
Monday 18 October, 2021
Parks Victoria is reminding people gathering firewood to ensure they only collect from legal collection areas in the open season or risk fines and prosecution.
The call follows two recent cases of illegal take of firewood in the east of the state detected by Parks Victoria Authorised Officers.
In the first case, a Clydebank man found in August 2021 in the Clydebank Morass Wildlife Reserve was issued two Infringement Notices and fined $1272 under the Wildlife (State Game Reserve) Regulations and the Wildlife Act.
In the second matter, a Rosedale man found in August 2021 in the Mullungdung Flora and Fauna Reserve was issued an Infringement Notice and fined $727 under the Crown Land (Reserves) Regulations.
Illegally removing firewood destroys the trees and hollows that are habitat for birds and reptiles as well as a range of native mammals, such as possums, gliders and bats.
Parks Victoria and the Conservation Regulator are conducting regular patrols in parks and forests as part of state-wide operations to address the destruction of wildlife habitat caused by illegal firewood collection in Victoria’s forests, parks and reserves.
For more information on where to legally collect firewood, visit or call 136 186.
Information about firewood collection rules be found at
Quotes attributable to Parks Victoria Regional Enforcement Coordinator, Martin Downs:
“Please remember you can only legally collect wood from firewood collection areas during the open season. Illegal collection of firewood destroys the habitat that our native animals and plants live in.”
“Even during the firewood season, timber can only be collected from the ground in designated collection areas and no trees are allowed to be felled.”
Quotes attributable to Chief Conservation Regulator, Kate Gavens:
“Firewood is a shared resource that needs to be managed in a sustainable way, and this is why those caught breaking firewood collection rules face significant fines or jail time.”
“We encourage the community to assist our work in this area, by reporting the illegal collection of firewood on 136 186.”