New trails for Jells Park revealed
Friday 15 December, 2023
Communities in Melbourne’s east will soon enjoy more ways to exercise, socialise and get into nature, with designs now released for two new shared-use trails planned for Jells Park.
Designs have been informed by 471 community members, who shared their views on the kinds of facilities and experiences they would like the project to provide. Feedback told us that people want to preserve the peaceful and natural feel of the park, protect the habitat of local plants and animals and add opportunities for all-ability access.
As a result, the project will deliver a new Bushland Trail, which is a scenic route tailored for visitors to walk, run or cycle through the park’s many different open green spaces. This trail will provide an opportunity for people to explore the natural landscapes of Jells Park, with minimal impacts on native flora and fauna.
The second, shorter Lake Trail will loop around the café and playspaces, showcasing great views of the lake. This trail will have a more level grade and feature extra lighting, wayfinding signage and distance markers at key milestones along the track.
Both trails respond to the different needs, experiences and values of the local community. Both will be about three metres wide, however the surface materials, amenity (such as lighting) and grades will vary to cater to different levels of ability and activity.
This $5.9 million Victorian Government investment in the shared-use trails is just another way we’re improving this much-loved park on Wurundjeri Country. Locals can spend more time outdoors thanks to the Urban Parks Active Wellbeing Program works that have delivered new and upgraded barbecues, drinking fountains, picnic tables and shelters at the southern and eastern picnic areas (with new accessible toilets still to come!). An upcoming project to transform the Ashes and Oaks ovals will also soon provide local cricket clubs with fit-for-purpose cricket pitches and small pavilion to use during Melbourne’s busy summer season.
A builder will be appointed to the shared-use trail project soon, with works due to start in the new year. To check out the project designs and learn more about the trails – visit the Engage Victoria webpage.
Quotes, attributed to Sofia De Lesantis, Regional Director – Melbourne, Parks Victoria
“We have listened to the community’s feedback to ensure the final designs for Jells Park’s shared-use trails reflects what locals and visitors have asked for.”
“I’m excited to see this project progressing with the community’s views incorporated. The shared-use trails will provide visitors with a wonderful opportunity to get active and explore the outdoors by walking, running or cycling through the park’s many different green spaces.”
“Parks are for everyone. The shared-use trails have been designed to ensure as many people as possible can connect with nature at their local park”.