Recognition for Emerging Leader Ebonee Armistead
Monday 10 July, 2023
Congratulations to proud Wadawurrung woman Ebonee Armistead who was awarded the prestigious David Aldous Emerging Leader Award (Victoria/Tasmania) by Parks and Leisure Australia.
The award is recognition of Ebonee’s outstanding work as a Community Engagement Ranger in Wurdi Youang/You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary.
Ebonee Armistead, Community Engagement Ranger in the Wurdi Youang/You Yangs Regional Park sharing Wadawurrung culture with school students
Ebonee plays a leading role in nurturing community connection to the natural and cultural heritage in our parks. The Discovering Country Wadawurrung cultural programs she delivers are sought after by teachers and community members seeking deeper learning experiences.
Thousands of school students and Victorian families benefit every year from Ebonee’s passion and generosity sharing her knowledge and experience of Wadawurrung culture and the importance of caring for Country. One of Ebonee’s recent outstanding achievements was developing and writing Parks Victoria’s first Connection to Country Wadawurrung Junior Ranger book, working in partnership with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners.
Parks Victoria’s first Connection to Country Junior Ranger Activity Book was developed and written by Ebonee in collaboration with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners
The booklet enables Junior Rangers and their families to connect with Wadawurrung Country and learn more about Wadawurrung people who have sustainably managed and cared for their lands for thousands of years.
Ebonee is a strong advocate of access for people of all abilities to our parks and to the activities she runs. Her generosity in sharing her connection to Country enriches us all, her colleagues, park visitors and the wider community. Congratulations Ebonee.
Listen to Ebonee speak about her Connection to Wadawurrung Country.
Ebonee is now a finalist in the running for the National David Aldous Emerging Leader Award which will be announced at the combined National Parks and Leisure Australia and World Urban Parks Congress in Adelaide in October.