Yallock-Bulluk Access and Infrastructure improvements
Project status
Cultural Heritage Management Plan assessments continue, geotechnical soil testing has been completed. Wayfinding signage assessment has been completed and will progress to early design stages. The above timeline is subject to assessment, on-ground and construction industry conditions. The trail proposed in the Access and Infrastructure Plan will be constructed in phases based on funding.
Last updated: February 2025
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The project
As part of the $106.6 million investment into Victoria’s Great Outdoors, the Victorian Government created the new Yallock-Bulluk Marine and Coastal Park in 2021. It combines existing parks and reserves along a 40-kilometre stretch of coastline between San Remo and Inverloch on Bunurong Country to better protect natural and cultural values, improve access, and enhance recreational opportunities.
Based on ideas from Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, stakeholders and hundreds of community members, and a range of technical studies, an Access and Infrastructure Plan has been created for the park. The plan includes information about visitor areas, facilities, proposed trail routes, better links between coastal towns, and the various experiences people may have in the park.
A key element of the plan is a 32-kilometre trail experience between San Remo and Cape Paterson that will extend and incorporate existing tracks, clearings and trails, including the seven-kilometre George Bass Coastal Walk.
There will also be walks of different lengths and difficulties through the varied and beautiful terrain of Bunurong Country. Visitors will be able to enjoy everything from a single hour loop-walk to a multi-day experience once all elements of the plan are completed.
The plan also details supporting trail and park infrastructure such as rest stops, lookouts and car park upgrades.
Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will inform exactly where, when and how components of the project are delivered.
Project benefits
Visitors will be able to take a stunning 32-kilometre coastal walk, which will provide them with a new experience, stunning coastal views from new locations and more access to the beauty of the coastline between San Remo and Cape Paterson.
A well-designed trail network that meets people’s needs will better protect the environment by keeping visitors on the designated tracks to protect sensitive coastal vegetation and species and important cultural heritage.
The feedback of many local communities has been considered to plan specific elements of the trail and facilities. Find out more information on this.
Along with other walking and cycling trails and new facilities, this long-distance walk will increase visitation to the area and encourage people to stay longer and explore further, boosting tourism and supporting the regional economy.
Project funding
Parks Victoria is delivering $8.33 million in trail upgrades. This funding is part of the Victorias Great Outdoors $19.6 million Yallock-Bulluk election commitment.
Environment and cultural heritage management
The Access and Infrastructure Plan has been informed by a range of technical studies, including pre-colonial Aboriginal and colonial cultural heritage; and environmental studies such as natural values, coastal processes and climate change assessments.
Additional studies will be undertaken as specific elements of the project progress.
Putting safety first
Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks.
While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.
Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually.
We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe. When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.
Who are we working with?
This project is being delivered by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action and Parks Victoria, in partnership with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and the Bass Coast Shire Council.
Staying updated
Parks Victoria will provide updates and information as the project progresses. To stay up to date please register your interest to receive community updates via this link. You can also email us at ParkPlan@parks.vic.gov.au. As the project progresses, information on this page will be updated regularly.
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Find out more information on the Access and Infrastructure Plan
Read the FAQs on the Access and Infrastructure Plan