You Yangs and Serendip Sanctuary upgrades

Project status

  • Designs have been developed for a new sensory garden at Serendip Sanctuary. The garden was an initiative identified by the community during consultation on the master plan, and is being delivered as early works in the project. Read more about it below. 
  • Parks Victoria is currently working with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and key stakeholders to plan the other initiatives that will be delivered as part of the project. A landscape architect has been appointed to lead the design development for these later works.
  • To help inform the design development, a quantity surveyor and environmental consultant have been appointed, and an Integrated Water Management Plan consultant is developing a plan for how toilets, ponds and sewage are treated on site.
  • A new wildlife ranger has joined the team at Serendip Sanctuary to manage and support the wildlife experience on offer.

Last updated: July 2024 


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The project

This project is being delivered on Wadawurrung Country.  

The You Yangs 'precinct' is a rich and varied landscape, comprising the distinctive granite peaks of ‘Wurdi Youang’ and Serendip Sanctuary, situated south within the low lying plain.

Located on Wadawurrung Country, the precinct holds significant natural and cultural values, with a long history of more than 30,000 years.

Today, the You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary are popular areas for wildlife viewing, education and outdoor recreation, including mountain biking, horse riding, rock-climbing and abseiling, trail running, bushwalks and picnics.

In 2022, a master plan for the precinct was released that sets a vision for this unique environment and key regional tourism destination. The plan aims to protect and enhance the natural and cultural assets that have already established the precinct, while also identifying new facilities, infrastructure and unique experiences that can be offered.

With an $11 million investment provided by the Victorian Government, and $45,000 provided through a sponsorship with CDC Victoria, CMV Truck & Bus and Volvo Bus, we're now delivering on initiatives in the master plan. 


Early works: Serendip Sensory Garden

A new all-abilities sensory garden is being created at Serendip Sanctuary, as part of early works to deliver initiatives identified in the 2022 You Yangs Precinct Master Plan.  

Draft designs for the garden propose five spaces, each with a focus on one of the five senses. From brightly coloured flora in the ’See’ space, to vegetation with various textures in the ’Feel’ space and edible bush foods in the ’Taste’ space, the new garden will provide a place for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to connect with nature.  

The garden is also set to feature accessible pathways and resting spots for visitors to easily explore, relax and take in the serenity of the garden.  

Parks Victoria has worked with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, disability services, schools and community groups to co-design the garden. 


Draft designs of the new Serendip Sensory Garden. For a detailed written description email

Pictured above: Draft designs for the new Serendip Sensory Garden (click to enlarge).


Later works

Early scoping and planning is underway to plan the other master plan initiatives that will be delivered as part of the project. From upgrading visitor facilities, improving tracks and trails, and enhancing the wildlife viewing experience at Serendip, we’re looking at ways to help revitalise this important environmental, cultural and recreational precinct. 

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will inform exactly what, where, when and how components of the project are delivered.


Project benefits 


The You Yangs Regional Park and Serendip Sanctuary are popular places for wildlife viewing, education and outdoor recreation. This project will provide a better, safer and more accessible experience for visitors for years to come.


The upgrades will provide visitors with opportunities to explore and learn about the environmental and cultural values of Serendip Sanctuary and You Yangs Regional Park, while also ensuring the plants, animals and ecosystems that thrive here are protected. 


Improved facilities will mean that local communities in Lara and Little River will have more opportunities to get active, get into nature and connect with friends and family in the You Yangs precinct. Enhancing the offering at Serendip Sanctuary will further support community development with schools and disability groups by providing quality educational experiences and spaces that cater to people with diverse needs and abilities. 


Nature-based tourism is an important contributor to local businesses. Improving the visitor experience across the You Yangs precinct will help boost tourism in the area and support the regional economy. 


Project funding

This project is being delivered with the following funding:

  • $11 million from the Victorian Government
  • $45,000 from CDC Victoria, CMV Truck & Bus and Volvo Bus


Environment and cultural heritage management

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will be undertaken for this project, to ensure that cultural heritage and plants and wildlife will be protected during works.

Who are we working with?

  • Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • CDC Victoria, CMV Truck & Bus and Volvo Bus


Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks. While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually. We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.


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