Example of components available in Sitecore

Example Experience Banner component

Can feature short video or static image files.


Banner component

Image Collage component

Image Gallery component

(max 6 image gallery slides)

-- --

Images Card component

(min 2 image cards)

People walking on Lyrebird Ridge Track.

Lyrebird Track at Tarra Bulga National Park

Tempor quis salvia nulla bushwick. JOMO hot chicken ut messenger bag, sed franzen banh mi voluptate. Neutra reprehenderit green juice food truck single-origin coffee. Gastropub woke pork belly vibecession slow-carb sriracha ea cillum fugiat tbh. Tote bag bodega boys aesthetic qui. <a href="https://www.parks.vic.gov.au/things-to-do/hiking-and-bushwalking">Aesthetic</a> neutra ea gastropub est truffaut. Vexillologist subway tile aliquip knausgaard cupping locavore same tofu praxis proident. Kickstarter green juice cornhole occaecat. Craft beer sustainable letterpress asymmetrical bodega boys etsy crucifix twee pork belly vegan nulla four loko yr hell of. Trust fund four loko mollit officia. Eiusmod locavore officia cloud bread bicycle rights next level fugiat tumeric shaman asymmetrical unicorn health goth banh mi. Chicharrones viral gatekeep kickstarter austin tote bag solarpunk PBR&B sunt. Wolf af deep v, mixtape 90's normcore officia XOXO.

A young woman leading a man on a walk while admiring the scenery

Title only, no description

Shows a new concrete step in place on a freshly cleaned walking track  surrounded by forest. Three women sit on the steps, one is a park ranger with working gloves and two others are in high viz with overalls and hard hats, all are smiling at the camera with a sense of a job well done.

Description only, no title

Repairs underway at the Captain Creek jetty near Mallacoota
Two women in activewear walk their dogs while two runners approach them.

Dog walking at Albert Park

Tempor quis salvia nulla bushwick. JOMO hot chicken ut messenger bag, sed franzen banh mi voluptate. Neutra reprehenderit green juice food truck single-origin coffee. Gastropub woke pork belly vibecession slow-carb sriracha ea cillum fugiat tbh. Tote bag bodega boys aesthetic qui. Aesthetic neutra ea gastropub est truffaut. Vexillologist subway tile aliquip knausgaard cupping locavore same tofu praxis proident. Kickstarter green juice cornhole occaecat. Craft beer sustainable letterpress asymmetrical bodega boys etsy crucifix twee pork belly vegan nulla four loko yr hell of. Trust fund four loko mollit officia. Eiusmod locavore officia cloud bread bicycle rights next level fugiat tumeric shaman asymmetrical unicorn health goth banh mi. Chicharrones viral gatekeep kickstarter austin tote bag solarpunk PBR&B sunt. Wolf af deep v, mixtape 90's normcore officia XOXO.

Single Image component

Two kayakers on the Gippsland Lakes near Metung.

Kayaking on the Gippsland Lakes near Metung.

Example Single Image Title

Kombucha letterpress master cleanse meggings ethical, cupping yr literally neutra unicorn adipisicing vinyl irure. YOLO minim laboris pinterest kogi waistcoat poutine hell of letterpress hexagon sartorial bodega boys. Meh biodiesel minim, kickstarter hot chicken ex yes plz blog quinoa adaptogen offal sed. Mixtape palo santo cupping gluten-free in vegan umami, pour-over sint XOXO literally you probably haven't heard of them. Aliqua vice cliche subway tile next level 90's occaecat eu. Vibecession fanny pack banjo, meh iPhone mlkshk vexillologist exercitation manga.

Narwhal cray cardigan irure. Master cleanse seitan hell of cliche paleo kombucha selvage. Chicharrones qui flexitarian asymmetrical affogato letterpress art party echo park. Laborum williamsburg sustainable anim etsy bushwick kitsch single-origin coffee est slow-carb blackbird spyplane sint swag banjo distillery. Cornhole deep v jean shorts swag, neutral milk hotel in hashtag lumbersexual. Brunch consectetur praxis, in tacos reprehenderit schlitz fixie organic et air plant.

Sus pug do schlitz proident, mlkshk ut hot chicken subway tile. Franzen photo booth labore woke fingerstache in street art. Godard PBR&B officia sriracha fam wayfarers consequat lumbersexual readymade. Subway tile sunt art party vexillologist. Est organic hashtag unicorn lyft.

Tote bag mollit try-hard la croix man bun hoodie disrupt, bespoke YOLO viral labore. 90's brunch laboris nulla pop-up tofu semiotics aute. Selfies nisi farm-to-table disrupt iPhone iceland. Mustache sus cold-pressed ullamco. Dolore ut taiyaki authentic copper mug veniam pok pok blue bottle green juice cred. Meggings fingerstache semiotics mixtape. In pariatur id tumblr air plant dolore et post-ironic vinyl esse.
Two kayakers on the Gippsland Lakes near Metung.

Kayaking on the Gippsland Lakes near Metung.

Example Single Image Title (landscape)

Kombucha letterpress master cleanse meggings ethical, cupping yr literally neutra unicorn adipisicing vinyl irure. YOLO minim laboris pinterest kogi waistcoat poutine hell of letterpress hexagon sartorial bodega boys. Meh biodiesel minim, kickstarter hot chicken ex yes plz blog quinoa adaptogen offal sed. Mixtape palo santo cupping gluten-free in vegan umami, pour-over sint XOXO literally you probably haven't heard of them. Aliqua vice cliche subway tile next level 90's occaecat eu. Vibecession fanny pack banjo, meh iPhone mlkshk vexillologist exercitation manga.

Narwhal cray cardigan irure. Master cleanse seitan hell of cliche paleo kombucha selvage. Chicharrones qui flexitarian asymmetrical affogato letterpress art party echo park. Laborum williamsburg sustainable anim etsy bushwick kitsch single-origin coffee est slow-carb blackbird spyplane sint swag banjo distillery. Cornhole deep v jean shorts swag, neutral milk hotel in hashtag lumbersexual. Brunch consectetur praxis, in tacos reprehenderit schlitz fixie organic et air plant.

Sus pug do schlitz proident, mlkshk ut hot chicken subway tile. Franzen photo booth labore woke fingerstache in street art. Godard PBR&B officia sriracha fam wayfarers consequat lumbersexual readymade. Subway tile sunt art party vexillologist. Est organic hashtag unicorn lyft.

Tote bag mollit try-hard la croix man bun hoodie disrupt, bespoke YOLO viral labore. 90's brunch laboris nulla pop-up tofu semiotics aute. Selfies nisi farm-to-table disrupt iPhone iceland. Mustache sus cold-pressed ullamco. Dolore ut taiyaki authentic copper mug veniam pok pok blue bottle green juice cred. Meggings fingerstache semiotics mixtape. In pariatur id tumblr air plant dolore et post-ironic vinyl esse.

Single Video component

(with description) Tex is the Ranger Team Leader at the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden. He leads a team of rangers and horticulturalists that ensures that visitors the spectacular garden have the best experience possible. Due to the climate and location near the top of Mount Dandenong, the horticulturalists at the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden are uniquely placed to grow plants that can't be grown commonly. This has important implications for conserving threatened species and Tex leads a number of significant conservation projects.

(with description) Tex is the Ranger Team Leader at the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden. He leads a team of rangers and horticulturalists that ensures that visitors the spectacular garden have the best experience possible. Due to the climate and location near the top of Mount Dandenong, the horticulturalists at the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden are uniquely placed to grow plants that can't be grown commonly. This has important implications for conserving threatened species and Tex leads a number of significant conservation projects.

Video Gallery component

Image Card List component

Example image card list (3+ tiles)

Suspendisse vulputate nisi et convallis fermentum. Integer est nisl, pharetra sed placerat vulputate, vulputate nec neque. Pellentesque in euismod nunc. Nam ultricies imperdiet rutrum. Cras facilisis lectus a luctus bibendum. Donec urna felis, cursus vitae lacinia vitae, imperdiet ac purus. Nullam at suscipit dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque auctor in nibh in facilisis. Vestibulum dictum mi eget dolor finibus pharetra. Nulla ut sapien nunc. In cursus convallis eros vel semper. Aenean id laoreet quam.

Curabitur vulputate non lorem at varius. Vivamus at diam commodo, congue tortor molestie, faucibus enim. Cras dignissim, magna non finibus facilisis, lectus metus luctus mi, nec rhoncus odio mauris non lectus. Vestibulum lacinia, justo sagittis cursus cursus, nisi elit tincidunt magna, non fermentum quam ligula sed ante. Aliquam malesuada mollis nunc, sed venenatis diam aliquet eu. Nullam vitae sapien non lacus vulputate pellentesque ac vel diam. Mauris non velit vel augue suscipit faucibus. Mauris vitae massa in diam luctus accumsan a vitae justo.

Example tile 1

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.
Beaded Gecko in Victoria's Mallee region.

Example tile 1 (no link)

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.
A blue devil fish pictured in front of some yellow coral.

Example tile 1 (no description or link)

A Blue Tongue Lizard in the Murray Sunset National Park.

Echidna in the grass

Example tile 6

Example description

Example tile 7

Example description

Example image card list (2 tiles)


Example tile 1

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.


Example tile 1

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.

ImagesItemDetail component

Example tile 1

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.

Parks Victoria website

Example tile 2 (no description)

Parks Victoria website
An antechinus, a small marsupial, poking its head out of a dead log

Example tile 1 (no link)

Duis sed urna sed purus varius dignissim et vitae lacus. Aliquam congue finibus tincidunt. Quisque metus erat, interdum sit amet suscipit at, tincidunt at nisl. Nullam convallis fringilla enim vel bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla non nisl non ex volutpat euismod. Aliquam sed massa nibh. Phasellus sapien ipsum, aliquet at fermentum sit amet, imperdiet non diam.

Beaded Gecko in Victoria's Mallee region.

PageGrouping component

Note: minimum of 3 and can only display Sitecore pages and news articles, and automatically displays thumbnail and summary from pages.


Healthy Parks Healthy People

Healthy Parks Healthy People is a global movement which is helping communities around the world realise the health and wellbeing benefits of spending time in parks and nature. Our aim is to unlock the power of nature and parks for their preventative and restorative health and wellbeing benefits, while conserving biodiversity.

Wildflowers in the Grampians National Park

Managing Country Together

Parks Victoria recognises that Aboriginal people have lived throughout Victoria for more than a thousand generations, maintaining complex societies with many languages, kinship systems, laws, polities and spiritualties.

A Parks Victoria Ranger speaks to a couple outside an old building in Coolart Heritage Area

Heritage management

Parks Victoria is responsible for the largest and most diverse collection of heritage places on public land in Victoria. These heritage places include cultural landscapes, buildings, infrastructure, significant trees, objects and artefacts, archaeological sites, and shipwrecks.

A young boy and girl looking at the marine life with a Parks Victoria ranger at Mushroom Reef

Learning in nature

Parks Victoria supports the development of young nature stewards, which is why we offer a range of curriculum-aligned opportunities to learn in, for and about nature.

A couple cross an old bridge deep in a lush rainforest near Cambarville.

Safety in nature

You can benefit both mind and body when you get outdoors to explore and experience Victoria's natural places. Before you go, take a look at our safety tips and check our changed conditions and closures information for a great visit.

Rangers at Point Cook Coastal Park

Land management

Parks Victoria manages a diverse and representative network of parks that are home to more than 4,300 native plant species and 948 native animal species.

A woman paddles a kayak on Port Phillip Bay near Portsea

Port and waterway management

A number of government departments and agencies share responsibility for our bays, rivers and ports. Parks Victoria manage the Yarra, Maribyrnong and Patterson rivers, Lake Moodemere, Albert Park Lake and ex-HMAS Canberra Reserve and are the local port manager of Port Phillip, Western Port and Port Campbell.

FAQ component

FAQ list title

Example FAQ list description
  • Example FAQ question 1
    Example FAQ answer 1
  • Example FAQ question 2
    Example FAQ answer 2

Content Listing 1 component

Example child page 1

Example child page summary

Example child page 2

Example child page summary

Content Listing 2 component

Content Listing 3 component

Multi Pin Map component



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