Apply for a filming and photography permit

Varies – dependent on the complexity of the filming and photography
Who needs to do this
A permit is typically needed for any filming or photography done on Parks Victoria managed land that is conducted as a trade or business.
This includes, but is not limited to, advertising, promotions, feature films and television programming, commercial and portrait photographers, and some student productions.
A permit is required for all drone filming and photography. For any drone filming and photography including RPA/UAV use, you must be or engage a fully licensed pilot and CASA-certified operator (including for drones under 2kg weight).
A permit is generally not needed for amateur or hobby photographers with basic equipment, who are not making images commercially available (if you think the images might be used commercially in the future, please apply for a permit) or people taking film or video for personal use.
What you need to do
1. Read all the information on this page
The filming and photography permit application form cannot be saved, so it’s important to ensure you are across all the required information to complete your application. This page details everything you need to know about applying for a filming and photography permit, so please read through it carefully before starting your application.
2. Prepare your supporting documentation
The information you provide must be clear, detailed and honest to help us make an informed decision. You must include a public liability insurance certificate of currency and a sitemap.
If you would like to use a drone/RPA as part of your shoot you will be required to provide more information and documents. See the Drone information in the ‘Before you Start’ section below for more details.
3. Complete the online application form
Complete the filming and photography online permit application. Please note, the form cannot be saved so ensure you have all the required information to complete your application. See the Application details information in the ‘Before you Start’ section below for more details. Any changes to your application could incur further fees.
Applicants are encouraged to add weather hold dates to the permit application form.
Apply for a Filming and Photography Permit
4. Submit your application
Upon receipt of your filming and photography application, you will receive an email confirming your request with a reference number. Please use this reference number in any correspondence. Completion and submission of a filming and photography permit application does not guarantee approval.
Before you start
All applications must be lodged with full and complete details within the minimum lead times
Finding out if your location is Parks Victoria managed
Enter a park or place name into the Parks Victoria website search bar to locate information about a particular park within Parks Victoria managed estate.
- Safe Transport Victoria has a list of waterway managers.
- MapshareVic is a good resource to identify public land managers.
- Use Google search, with the name of the park or waterway where you would like to host your event. Generally, the land manager will come up in the first few results.
If you are still unsure, please email us with a map clearly outlining where you would like to hold your event, and we can advise you if your chosen location is managed by Parks Victoria. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they have all the relevant permits for the locations at which the filming and photography is to be conducted. If your proposed filming and photography takes place in a variety of parks and waterways, or takes place on both land and water, you may require other permits from other land managers.
Prohibited filming activities
The following filming activities are prohibited:
- Any filming which portrays activities which are prohibited in parks or reserves.
- Operating remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) / unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) / drone, unless explicitly permitted by Parks Victoria in a filming and photography permit.
- Activities that substantially limit the experiences, enjoyment or rights of park, reserve or waterway visitors, tenants, or neighbours.
- Access to administrative areas and areas closed for the protection of resources or public safety.
Lead times
Once all documentation is received, Parks Victoria requires a minimum of 10 business days to process filming and photography permit applications without a drone, and a minimum of 20 business days to process a filming and photography permit application with a drone.
Complex applications may require a longer lead time. Due to the high volume of applications, filming and photography permit applications received that do not allow these lead times will not be accepted.
Application details
All applications must be lodged with full and complete details within the minimum lead times, which are not subject to change once submitted. Your application form must include, but is not limited to:
- Dates and times
- Production name and type
- Details on the number of cast and crew and vehicles that will be on site Unit locations.
- Details of where and what is required, including total infrastructure and facilities to be used
For any drone filming and photography including RPA/UAV use, you must be or engage a fully licensed pilot and CASA-certified operator (including for drones under 2kg weight). Filming or Photography applications that include a drone require the below additional documents to be provided with your application:
- CASA Certified Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) – per pilot. Refer to CASA for further information on obtaining your Remote Pilot Licence (RePL)
- Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operator's Certificate (ReOC) - per pilot. Refer to CASA for further information on obtaining your Remotely piloted aircraft operator's certificate (ReOC)
- Certificate of Currency (CoC). Drone operator’s Certificate of Currency for $20M public liability insurance including aviation coverage. The provision of the Drone Operator’s Certificate of Currency is in addition to the Certificate of Currency provided by the Permittee for the filming, as requested in the accompanying Filming and Photography OR Event Permit application form. The company listed on the ReOC (operator’s certificate) should be the same as the ‘insured’ company listed on the CoC. The CoC should also list the type/model of drone that will be operated.
- Aircraft Operations Map outlining:
- Take-off and landing locations
- Proposed flight path
- Proposed exclusion zone
- Proposed location of spotters and demarcation signage
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Document that outlines potential risks and how those risks will be controlled during the shoot.
Insurance Requirements
You must have a minimum of $20m public liability insurance coverage for the event, noting the interest of Parks Victoria. A certificate of currency for less than AUD$20 million will not be accepted.
Receiving your permit
Paying your permit fee
Before your permit can be finalised, you will receive an invoice which must be paid as per the due date. Permits are not confirmed until payment has been received.
Permit fees can vary depending on the complexity of the filming and photography. Additional fees may apply for complex or high-impact shoots. Check the fees schedule for a full list of charges.
You can also request cost information by using the ‘comments’ section of the online application form.
Signing your permit
If your application is approved, you will receive your permit for signing. The permit is a formal authorisation from Parks Victoria for a regulated activity to occur on Parks Victoria managed estate. Your permit is not valid until all parties have signed and you receive a fully executed permit.
Please read your permit carefully, as it outlines any specific conditions that apply to your activity and park. Please note, in the event of extreme weather conditions, a planned event may be cancelled by Parks Victoria in the interest of public safety.
Any declined applications will be confirmed in writing. Depending on the changes required, you may be able to reapply.
More information
Do I get a refund if I cannot film on the date I had planned?
We encourage applicants to add weather hold dates to the permit application form. Your filming and photography is cancelled for any reason, the organiser must notify Parks Victoria as soon as possible. The following refund schedule applies:
When cancellation advice is provided:
- 30 days or more prior to the commencement of the Permit Period, 100% of the Permit Fee will be refunded.
- 8 ‐ 30 days prior to the commencement of the Permit Period, 85% of the Permit Fee will be refunded.
- 4 ‐ 7 days prior to the commencement of the Permit Period, 50% of the Permit Fee will be refunded.
- 0 ‐ 3 days prior to the commencement of the Permit Period, no refund of the Permit Fee will be provided.
What happens if it rains?
Please ensure that you have considered all types of weather when planning filming or photography and ensure that contingency plans are in place. Parks Victoria allows organisers to book a weather hold date for some locations. High use parks such as Albert Park are unable to accommodate weather hold dates.
Can I get an annual permit to take photos when I want?
You may apply for a permit for up to six months that covers multiple dates and parks. However, the activity dates and parks should be specified. Open permits are not issued. We encourage applicants to add weather hold dates to the permit application form.
Get assistance
13 19 63
Useful Links
Parks Victoria Sustainable Filming and Photography Guide (PDF)
Parks Victoria Sustainable Filming and Photography Guide (DOC)
Film Victoria’s film friendly guidelines has more information on filming in Victoria.