Murray River Adventure Trail one step closer
Thursday 17 March, 2022
The new Murray River Adventure Trail – a long-distance walking, cycling and water-based adventure trail along the Murray River – is a step closer to completion with a firm engaged to plan and design a priority section of the trail.
Through the Victorian Government’s Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan, $10.3 million is being invested to design and construct priority elements of Stage One of the trail, located between Picnic Point in Barmah National Park and Koondrook.
We have engaged JJ Ryan Consulting Pty Ltd to plan and design trail upgrades, some new sections of trail, kayak launches and small bridge crossings, and new facilities at several key visitor sites, including picnic facilities, car parking and toilets.
Cultural heritage and environmental assessments will also be done to ensure new sections of trail and visitor infrastructure are created taking these elements into consideration.
Northern Victoria offers a unique landscape and natural environment to enjoy, that’s why it’s so important to protect these places while supporting the local economy.
When complete, the Murray River Adventure Trail will connect a series of walking, cycling and watercraft trails all the way from the east near Wodonga to Mildura in the west.
New nature-based tourism experiences and better connections between towns will encourage people to visit new locations, extend their stay, boost tourism, support the regional economy and learn more about the area’s significant Aboriginal cultural heritage. The trail will be easily accessible and cater for both day and multi-day trail visitors.
The Murray River Adventure Trail project is anticipated to create 30 direct jobs during construction and contribute more than $10.8 million to the Victorian economy.
This initial section of the project is expected to be completed in 2024, for more information visit Projects.