Double the fun: draft designs released for Jells Park trails
Wednesday 18 January, 2023
We’re finding more ways to help get people into nature, with new walking, running and cycling trails coming to Jells Park, in Melbourne’s east.
Our draft designs propose two shared-use trails for this much-loved park – with a shorter loop track (the Lake Trail) now included in draft designs following feedback from the community last year.
The two trails will be tailored to meet the different experiences and values of the community. Both will be about three meters wide and made from a variety of surfaces, making them accessible and appropriate for a range of activities.
The longer track (the Bushland Trail) is designed for walkers, runners and cyclists to discover all parts of Jells Park. This trail will have a more natural feel and experience by providing visitors with opportunities to journey through nature, while also preserving important habitat for local flora and fauna.
The proposed Lake Trail will be a more formalised experience, travelling around the café and playscapes and with views across the lake. This trail focuses on safety and accessibility, with additional lighting, wayfinding signage and distance markers provided at key locations.
Both trails will have drinking fountains and places to sit, while signage, visitor education and rumble strips will help keep people on course.
Community feedback helps us shape the projects we’re delivering across Victoria. At Jells Park, it’s led to us exploring how to include a second trail at this much-loved place. It also told us that people consider the park to be a sanctuary in the suburbs and that it should retain its natural feel. Community members also highlighted their interest in maintaining the park’s paths, continuing to care for the local plants and animals, adding opportunities for all-ability access, and safety for all park visitors.
As we continue to keep the community involved, Parks Victoria will now share these draft trail designs for further feedback, before works start later this year.
The Victorian Government is investing $5.9 million to deliver these shared-use trails. The State Government is also contributing $21 million to the Urban Parks Active Wellbeing program to upgrade 21 parks across greater Melbourne and help more communities spend time in the outdoors. As part of this program, Jells Park will receive new and upgraded barbecues, drinking fountains and picnic tables and toilets that can be used by park users of all abilities.
For further information about the Jells Park Shared-use Trail project and to subscribe for updates visit the Parks Victoria project page.
To read the community engagement summary visit Engage Victoria.