Bringing new Serendip sensory garden to life

Wednesday 31 July, 2024

A new sensory garden at Serendip Sanctuary is beginning to take shape, with draft designs developed for the new all-abilities space on Wadawurrung Country in Melbourne’s outer west.

The garden is being created as part of an $11 million investment from the Victorian Government, which will deliver a range of upgrades outlined in a master plan to help revitalise this important environmental, cultural and recreational precinct.

An additional $45,000 provided through a sponsorship with CDC Victoria, CMV Truck & Bus and Volvo Bus Australia has also enabled the designs to be brought to life. 

The draft designs propose five spaces, each with a focus on one of the five senses. From brightly coloured flora in the ’See’ space, to vegetation with various textures in the ’Feel’ space and edible bush foods in the ’Taste’ space, the new garden will provide a place for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to connect with nature.

The garden is also set to feature accessible pathways and resting spots for visitors to easily explore, relax and take in the serenity of the garden.


Draft designs of the new Serendip Sensory Garden. For a detailed written description email

Pictured above: Draft designs for the new Serendip sensory garden (click to enlarge).


Sensory gardens are specifically designed to stimulate sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. Through their location, plantings and design, these places can provide visitors with a deeper immersion in nature. Sensory gardens can also be calming, peaceful environments where quiet thoughts emerge and memories return. 

With its flat, wide tracks and quiet bushland setting, Serendip Sanctuary offers an ideal location. Because of these features, it’s frequently visited by disability services, schools and community groups. Parks Victoria has worked with these groups, and Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, to co-design the garden. 

The sensory garden was an initiative identified by the community during consultation on the master plan for Serendip Sanctuary and the You Yangs Regional Park. 

Parks Victoria is currently working with community, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and key stakeholders to plan the other initiatives that will be delivered as part of the $11 million investment. A landscape architect has been appointed to lead the design development for these later works.

Find out more and subscribe for project updates at the You Yangs and Serendip Sanctuary upgrades project page.

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