Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park


Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park

Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park is part of an Aboriginal cultural landscape that includes the traditional Country of the Gunaikurnai Peoples. Parks Victoria respects the deep and continuing connection that Traditional Owners have to these lands and waters, and we recognise their ongoing role in caring for Country.  

Tucked into the north of Wilsons Promontory, Corner Inlet is the forgotten gem of the Victorian coast. Situated approximately 200km south-east of Melbourne, Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park offers a range of activities. The sheltered inlet provides a pleasant setting, with its low landscapes of marshes framed by the spectacular backdrop of the granite peaks of Wilsons Promontory.

Corner Inlet and the nearby Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Parks contain a diverse range of habitats, including some of the largest stands of White Mangrove and saltmarsh areas in Victoria. The saltmarshes are dominated by Beaded and Shrubby Glassworts, while the upper margins are frequently covered in Pigface, which produces a spectacular show of pink flowers in spring and summer. Fringing the saltmarshes and mangroves on the mainland and the islands are stands of Swamp Paperbark and Coast Tea-tree which give way to a rich hinterland of Coast Banksia and Manna Gum woodlands. Wildflowers including orchids are abundant in these heathy woodlands.

The park is recognised as wetlands of international significance under the Ramsar convention. Thirty-two species of migratory waders have been recorded, including the largest concentrations of Bar-Tailed Godwit and Great Knot in southeastern Australia. At low tide these birds can be seen spread out in groups feeding over the mudflats. Each species has a different bill designed to catch certain types of food, which minimises competition among the different species. At high tide huge flocks of waders congregate on the sand spits at the ends of the barrier islands. 

Adjoining the coastal park is Corner Inlet Marine Park. There are many reasons why the marine environment at Corner Inlet is special. It is the most easterly, and consequently the warmest, of Victoria's large bays. It boasts a complex network of mangroves, saltmarsh, mud banks, seagrass beds, rocky islands and deeper channels. 

Sea kayaking across the water is a great way to explore the park. There are also excellent opportunities for boat-based recreation, with several licensed tour operators offering a range of activities including sea kayaking and boat tours. 

Under the water within Corner Inlet Marine National Park, there are unique opportunities for safe, boat-based diving and snorkelling. The shallow seagrass meadows hide a rich diversity of marine life undisturbed by frequent diving. Corner Inlet is the only place in Victoria where the Broad-leaved seagrass (Posidonia australis) forms large meadows. Growing up to a metre in length, this seagrass is one of the world's tallest. The seagrass meadows offer the underwater photographer many new and interesting subjects for macro-photography,  which cannot be encountered elsewhere in Victoria. Divers can expect to see a variety of large fish including Banjo Sharks, leatherjackets, flathead and Grass Whiting cruising the seagrass meadows. Closer inspection of the seagrass will reveal many cryptic species such as seahorses, pipefish, miniature squids and numerous crustaceans. 

Back on dry land, barbecues, tables and toilets are available at neighbouring beach sites along the foreshore. At nearby Agnes Falls Scenic Reserve, a small picnic ground set amongst the tall shady Blue Gums on the grassy banks of the Agnes River makes a delightful setting for a picnic. 

Things To Do


Corner Inlet Marine National Park

Tucked behind the northern section of Wilsons Promontory, Corner Inlet Marine National Park sits within the sheltered waters of Corner Inlet. Corner Inlet is the most easterly, and consequently the warmest, of Victoria's large embayments.
Looking out of a tent first thing in the morning.

Camping in Corner Inlet

Dispersed bush camping is permitted on some islands and at other sites within Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Parks.
A man walks along Willimsons Beach with footprints behind at sunset

Walking in Corner Inlet

Knowledge of the tides is essential to safely walk the ocean beaches. Snake Island offers the overnight hiker a variety of easy walks passing through the varied communities of the island.
A father and son fish in the surf at Belfast Coastal Reserve

Fishing and boating in Corner Inlet

Recreational line fishing is popular in the park, both from the shore or by boat. Please note, all forms of fishing are prohibited in Corner Inlet Marine National Park. Make sure you check the boundary of the Marine Protected Area.



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Licensed Tour Operators know all the best places to go and will plan and prepare your visit to ensure you are safe and can enjoy your nature-based adventure to the fullest.

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How to get there

Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park

Take the South Gippsland Highway via Port Welshpool, Port Albert, McLoughlins Beach and Yanakie. Corner Inlet Marine National Park can be accessed from boat launching facilities at Duck Point (Yanakie), Toora and Port Welshpool. 

When to go

Need to know

Corner Inlet Marine and Coastal Park

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