Grant Historic Area


Grant Historic Area

Grant Historic Area is part of an Aboriginal cultural landscape in the traditional Country of the Gunaikurnai Peoples. Parks Victoria respects the deep and continuing connection that Traditional Owners have to these lands and waters, and we recognise their ongoing role in caring for Country. 

Aboriginal people guided many European explorers and gold miners through the mountains along well used pathways, which eventually formed some of today’s road and track network.

Grant Historic Area is primarily covered by dry forest and woodlands and if you visit in spring, you’ll see a colourful display of wildflowers. More than 100 native plant species occur in here, including some rare and threatened species. 

This is a great place to view wildlife. It is common to see wildlife on the roads and tracks so make sure you drive carefully. Keep your eye out for swamp wallabies, bare-nosed wombats, eastern grey kangaroos, brush-tailed possums, and a variety of bat species. Bird watches will spot a variety of cockatoos, parrots, the superb lyrebird, and a variety of owl species. Grant Historic Area is also the perfect place to see many species of skinks, snakes, frogs, and water dragon’s so keep your eye out while exploring.

A variety of vehicle and walking tracks wander through the area and there are pleasant camping sites along the grassy river flats at Talbotville or high on the ridge top at Grant Historic Area.

The thickly forested area hides many features of the mining days including cemeteries, township sites and mining relics.

1864 and 1865 are the great boom years of the district, alluvial gold had been discovered along the rivers as early as 1850. Quartz (reef) gold was discovered in the Crooked River area. By the end of 1865, there were fifteen hotels, a church, courthouse, police station and lockup, medical hall, numerous stores and a newspaper office publishing once a week – the Crooked River Chronicle. The population grew to just on 2000.

The mining industry boomed through the later half of the 1860s. Eight crushing mills driven by steam or water were erected, tramways built and 250 reefs were registered. But only ten years later most of the gold was gone and the town was largely deserted. By 1902 there were only six families, the last residents leaving in 1916.

Keen walkers and history buffs will see their two passions combined in Grant Historic Area. Take a short walk to the Jewellers Shop Mine which didn’t produce water until after Grant township was abandoned, a missed opportunity as water was scarce and sold by the barrel from a horse and cart. Visit the New Good Hope battery site on the Crooked River Track where ore carts lie abandoned and the boiler and stamper still sit in their original positions.

Things To Do


Camping in Grant Historic Area

There are two main camping areas with basic facilities such as pit toilets, fireplaces and picnic tables: Stay at Grant Township Camping Area to explore remnants of the old township, or the larger Talbotville Township Camping Area for a riverside spot.
A Parks Victoria 4WD parked in front of a sunset over the mountains in Alpine National Park

Wonnangatta Icon Drive

Embark on an epic 222km 4WD trip through the scenic Wonnangatta Valley and over the vast high plains.

Walking in Grant Historic Area

Take in spectacular views through the park's variety of walking tracks. The tracks suit most experience levels, including 1.5 hour return loops to a 2-3 day walking adventure.
Fishing at the Glasshouse camping area in Lake Tyers State Park

Fishing in Grant Historic Area

Fishing is popular in the area, especially along the Crooked, Wongungarra and Wonnangatta Rivers. A Victorian Recreational Fishing license is required. Please also check that the trout fishing season is open for the rivers and bag limits are observed.
A man wearing a driza-bone jacket adjusts the saddle of his horse in a forest in the Alpine National Park.

Horse riding in the park

The area is excellent for horseback riding in remote country. Keep to the tracks and ensure that your horses are secure at night. The National Trail passes through Grant H.A on the journey from Healesville, Victoria to Cooktown, Queensland.
A boy crouches at the waters panning for gold in a river.

Fossicking in Grant Historic Area

Fossicking and prospecting for minerals is permitted in historic areas under a miners right. You are required to use non mechanical hand tools and must not disturb vegetation, archaeological sites or Aboriginal places or objects.
Three hunters silhouetted at sunset.

Hunting in the park

Hunting of game and pest species is permitted all year. Hunting with dogs is permitted in accordance with regulations. Loaded firearms and hunting is not permitted within 100m of any designated picnic area or camping area (whether populated or not).

Grant Historic Area

This area is well known for its wildlife. Keep an eye out for:


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How to get there

Grant Historic Area

Grant Township site is 5km west of the Dargo High Plains Road along McMillans Road. Grant Historic Area (Grant H.A) intersection is 17km north of Dargo or 52km south of Mount St. Bernard (on the Great Alpine Road).

Need to know

Grant Historic Area

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