Boating in Portarlington Harbour
Portarlington Harbour provides a range of berthing and mooring options. There are different zones which allow users to enjoy the harbour and keep everyone safe around a newly redeveloped pier.
Boating within the Harbour
Port Philip Ferries have right of way over all other vessels while navigating within Portarlington Harbour.
There is a clearly marked swimming only area at the foreshore within the Harbour, vessels are not permitted to enter this area. Additionally, the west of the Harbour is a no boating zone and vessels should adhere to signage.
Portarlington Harbour depths
Depths within the harbour vary from 0.5 - 4 metres. The entrance of the harbour is dredged to a minimum of 2.5 metres-chartered depth. Please monitor depths carefully within the harbour as it can change and become shallow, particularly along the eastern and southern boundaries.
Berthing within Portarlington Harbour
Commercial permitted berthing | red signs
The inner arm (Commercial Wharf) is identified with red signs and is for approved commercial vessel use only. Only permitted commercial vessels are allowed to berth in this area. This area is currently full, but if you would like further information on commercial berthing at Portarlington Harbour, please contact or visit our mooring and berths page.
Unauthorised commercial and recreational vessels are not permitted to access this area.
Port Phillip Ferries berthing | red signs
All vessels are prohibited from berthing in the Port Phillip Ferries berthing areas, identified with red signs, along the shoreward side of the commercial jetty and the eastern end of the northern timber wharf.
Recreational permitted berthing | red signs
The northern timber wharf, identified with red signs, is for approved permitted recreational vessel use only. There are currently no recreational permitted berths available.
Short stay berthing | blue signs
Short stay pile berths for visiting vessels are located on the northern timber wharf and identified with blue signs. These berths are suitable for vessels up to 15 metres in length and are clearly signed. They are available at no cost on a first come, first served basis. Vessels may stay in the berthing area, or mooring area, or both, for a period of 5 days within a 14 day period. After the 5 days have lapsed, a vessel is not permitted to berth at Portarlington Harbour until 14 days have passed from their initial start of berthing or mooring.
Available short stay berths vary between 10m to 18m long and 3.5m to 5.5m wide.
Drop-off / pickup berth | yellow signs
Drop-off/pick up areas are on the low landing within the harbour and alongside the inner eastern and outer western berth. They are identified with yellow signs. A skipper must always be with the vessels and not exceed 30 minutes.
Destination swing moorings inside Portarlington Harbour | blue signs
Four Destination short term swing moorings are provided inside the eastern rock wall of the harbour. They are limited to 14 metres vessels. Depths vary here from approximately 1 – 2.5 metres. There is a reef in the area and vessel operators should take extra caution. As per short-term berthing, a vessel may stay in the berthing area, or mooring area, or both, for one continuous period of 5 days within 14 day period. After the 5 days have lapsed, a vessel is not permitted to return to berth in Portarlington Harbour until 14 days have passed from their initial start of berthing or mooring.
Anchoring outside Portarlington Harbour
Anchoring outside Portarlington Harbour must not impact safe vessel navigation access into and out of the harbour, or the Outer Western Berth. There is also a no boating zone to the west of the Harbour.
Tenders can be rowed to the shore within the harbour, east of the swimming only zone. Please note drinking water is avaliable in berths, but we we do not have any fuel or waste pump out facilities for leisure vessels