Project status

September 2024

We’re pleased to announce we’re progressing with the rebuild of Dromana Pier.

Dromana Pier Rebuild.

Construction timeline

The above timeline is subject to assessments, on-ground and construction industry conditions.

The project

This project is being delivered on Bunurong Sea Country

Over the past seven months, extensive technical studies and planning investigations have been undertaken to develop detailed designs for a rebuilt Dromana Pier. These designs will support construction to start in Autumn 2025.

The new Dromana Pier will build on the community’s strong preference for an accessible visitor experience that reflects Dromana’s coastal charm. The designs for the new pier include a community driven focus on reflecting nature and delivering an asset that contributes to the local identity and existing landscape of the foreshore. 

Solid timber decking will replace the concrete and allow users to immerse themselves in the maritime environment. Seating will be installed along the pier, offering an opportunity to enjoy views over the bay, Arthurs Seat and Mornington Peninsula. The pier will meet modern accessibility requirements and feature additional safety railing. Lighting along the walkway will illuminate the pier for pedestrian and boat safety but aim to minimise impact on aquatic life.

The pier will continue to welcome boats and fishing, as it has for over 160 years. The fixed lower-level landing will remain in place to support boating and short-term berthing. This low-level landing will also provide great access for other recreational activities enjoyed by locals including stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking.

Originally built in the 1860s and rebuilt with the current infrastructure in the 1950s, Dromana Pier has long held an important place in the local community.

The pier is currently open except for a 40-metre section of the pier head which has deteriorated and is closed for safety.


Design Features

  • Ensuring the pier is fit-for-purpose for the maritime environment. This includes consideration of sea level rise, storm events and the wave climate.
  • Continuing to offer a local visitor experience that connects to the surrounding foreshore precinct
  • Ensure public safety through modern handrails and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act and adherence to universal principled of access
  • Ensure the structure continues to offer the opportunity to enjoy views of the bay and Arthurs Seat. 


Pictured above: Artist impression of the new Dromana Pier


 Artist impression of Dromana Pier

Pictured above: Artist impression of the new Dromana Pier.

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Project benefits

Visitors and economy

 The new Dromana Pier will continue to be a popular visitor destination, drawing people to the village and supporting local businesses to thrive.


This project will enhance community access for sightseeing, fishing, boating and connection to the water. 


Project Funding

This project is delivered with investment from the Victorian Government. 


Environmental management 

Environmental assessments will be undertaken to inform the delivery of works to ensure marine life is considered during project delivery.


Who are we working with?

  • Department of Transport and Planning
  • Local user and community interest groups


Staying updated

Information about this project will be maintained on this page and shared via project e-newsletters.

Subscribe to receive future updates


Related information 

Read the Dromana Pier Project Community Update #2- Spring 2024

Read the Dromana Pier Project Community Update #1 - Autumn 2024

Dromana Pier - place

Dromana Pier - Community Consultation



What is happening at Dromana Pier?

Dromana Pier has reached the end of its serviceable life and is being rebuilt with funding from the Victorian Government. Once complete, the brand-new Dromana Pier will be a popular feature for this coastal community, providing a safe and accessible location for the community to gather and enjoy a connection to the water. The new pier will support a number of activities, including fishing, boating and walking.


Why is Dromana Pier being rebuilt?

Dromana pier was first built in the 1860s and extended in the 1870s. Over time the pier has deteriorated in line with its expected design life and is now due to be replaced. Currently the pier is partially closed with a 40-metre section of the pier head fenced off for public safety.


What are the features of the new Dromana Pier? 

In early 2024 Parks Victoria appointed a designer to develop designs for the rebuilt pier. The final design draws on the feedback received during community consultation in 2021. 

  • Ensuring the pier is fit-for-purpose for the maritime environment. This includes consideration of sea level rise, storm events and the wave climate.
  • The pier will continue to accommodate boats and fishing. The fixed lower-level landing will remain, supporting boating and short-term berthing, as well as providing great access for recreational activities such as stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking.  
  • In line with community feedback, the new pier will feature solid timber decking to replace the existing concrete. Seating will be installed along the pier, providing opportunities to enjoy views over the bay, Arthurs Seat and the Mornington Peninsula.  
  • The pier will meet modern accessibility standards and feature additional safety railings. Lighting along the walkway will enhance pedestrian and boat safety while minimising its impact on aquatic life.   


How was the community consulted on the new Dromana Pier?

Dromana Pier is being rebuilt as part of a $46 million investment announced in the Victorian Budget 2023-24 for critical works at piers and jetties across the state. The earlier concept plan was prepared because the pier was approaching end of life and Parks Victoria need to commence plan for a future rebuild when funding became available. In preparation for rebuilding Dromana Pier, in 2021 Parks Victoria developed three early concept designs and sought community and stakeholder aspirations and ideas for a new Dromana Pier. Preferences and ideas were captured and will be considered as part of the final design stage of the new pier. Building on community influenced concept designs produced in 2021, this year we’ve conducting detailed investigations and stakeholder conversations to shape the pier’s design and engineering requirements. This includes understanding the pier’s relationship to changes in sea level and storm events as well as beach erosion and movement.


When will the new pier be built?

The new pier is planned to be ready to welcome the community in the second half of 2026. The project timeline at the top of this page will be updated throughout the project.


Can I still fish from the pier?

Currently the pier is open except for a 40-metre section of the pier head which is closed for safety. When works get underway, all access to the pier for activities including angling and fishing will be prohibited for safety. More information will be provided at the construction stage of the project.


Can I swim and snorkel around or under the pier?

The area beneath Dromana Pier is closed due to the risk of spalling and deteriorated concrete, which is at risk of falling into the water below. There is signage in place to inform people of the risks. You can enjoy similar experiences at Rosebud Pier, Rye Pier, and Mornington Pier.


Who is responsible for managing Dromana Pier?

Parks Victoria is responsible for the management and maintenance of over 40 piers, jetties and related structures on Port Phillip and Western Port, which attract about 30 million visitors per year combined. Parks Victoria carries out regular inspections on all port assets to ensure they are safe and well maintained.


How can I stay informed about progress of this project?

Parks Victoria will share regular progress updates with key stakeholders and the community on Parks Victoria’s website. You can subscribe to the Dromana Pier project mailing list to receive ongoing communications about this project.

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