Hampton Pier Rebuild Project

Project status

October 2024:

Detailed Designs for the new Hampton Pier have been released. They include: 

  • A low landing and floating pontoon, enabling a longer structure to reach the deeper waters of Sandringham Harbour
  • Timber decking on the pier, keeping with the aesthetic appeal of the previous Hampton Pier
  • Ladders for tender storage on the pier approach, and a safety ladder on the pontoon, for better water access. 

Hampton Pier timeline

The above timeline is subject to assessments, site and market conditions.


     Hampton Pier design render 1 

Above: Design render of the new Hampton Pier

 Hampton Pier design render 2

Above: Design render of the new Hampton Pier

The project

This project is being delivered on Bunurong Country 

Hampton Pier is located in busy Sandringham Harbour and has reached the end of its service life. Over the recent years it was identified as visibly slumping and following an engineering assessment, was found to be unsafe. Hampton Pier was closed to the public in mid-2020. With funding committed in the 2022-23 State Budget, Parks Victoria is rebuilding the pier.

The new Hampton Pier will be built with a design which reflects community and stakeholder aspirations, which were sought as part of the Sandringham Harbour Local Port Area Plan consultation in 2022. The new pier will provide a safe and accessible community facility for people to enjoy.

The first step in the project is the removal of the old pier and progressing designs for the new pier. Once planning, approvals and procurement for the new pier are complete, construction on the new pier will commence. 

Hampton Pier entrance and sign

Above: the entrance to Hampton Pier


Project benefits


Rebuilding the pier will reinstate Hampton Pier, improving access for visitors to enjoy walking, fishing and boating at Sandringham Harbour. 


The improvements delivered through this project will enhance community access for fishing and boating and connection to the water.


The new pier will support surrounding local businesses by attracting more people to visit Sandringham Harbour's improved facilities.

Project funding

This project is delivered with investment from the Victorian Government.


Environment management

Environmental assessments are being undertaken and will inform the delivery of works to ensure native flora and fauna are protected during the project.


Who are we working with?

  • Department of Transport and Planning
  • Bayside City Council
  • Local user and interest groups


Access changes

We will undertake risk and safety assessments to ensure the project will be completed safely, and any areas where construction is taking place will be clearly signed and fenced off to restrict public access to the worksite.


Staying updated

Information about this project will be maintained on this page and shared via project e-newsletters.

Subscribe to receive future updates


Related information 



How is Parks Victoria working with the community to deliver this project?

A stakeholder reference group (SRG) has been established to ensure local groups are informed about the project. The SRG is comprised of representatives from local businesses and interest groups, Council and government.

Where can people berth while the pier is closed and/or removed?

Short term public berthing is available at Middle Brighton Pier and Black Rock Jetty. Mordialloc Creek also provides boating facilities. Berthing at Hampton Pier has been unavailable since its closure for safety.


Where can people fish while the pier is closed?

Port Phillip offers excellent land-based fishing from nearby piers, including Black Rock Jetty and Middle Brighton Pier. Sandringham Breakwater is also a popular location for fishing. 


Does the pier closure effect other water-based activities in the area?

The Hampton foreshore remains open to beach users, dog walkers, and other water sports activities such as stand-up paddle boarding.


When will demolition get underway?

Demolition and removal of the old Hampton Pier was undertaken in 2023. 


Why does Parks Victoria need to remove the pier before the new one is rebuilt?  

The old pier needed to be removed to ensure the area is safely prepared for the rebuild work to commence, ensuring the project is delivered efficiently. Removing the old pier will also provide better access for summer’s on-water events and improve public safety for people spending time at Sandringham Harbour.


When will the new Hampton Pier be built?

The new pier is anticipated to be completed in Spring 2025. This timeline is indicative and subject to weather, procurement processes and industry conditions.


Why did a local port area plan need to be completed before the pier is rebuilt?

The local port area plan is the formal process for stakeholders and community to have their say on the future of this important feature of Sandringham Harbour. The plan is critical for Parks Victoria to understand the changing and growing needs of the community, also to ensure that the future pier design meets the needs of the community and stakeholders, and is resilient to coastal processes and climate change.


How will Parks Victoria ensure the new pier reflects the community and stakeholder aspirations?

In 2022 Parks Victoria developed the Sandringham Harbour Local Port Area Plan with input from stakeholders and the wider community. The consultation captured feedback on aspirations for the new Hampton Pier, which will be incorporated in planning and designs.


Where can I find out more about the Hampton Pier Rebuild Project?

This project web page will be updated throughout the project and people can subscribe to receive project e-newsletters which will be distributed at project milestones.


What will happen to timber from Hampton Pier?  

Pier timber will be disposed of by the contractor. The timber is deteriorated and cannot be reused.


Is Hampton Pier listed on the Victorian Heritage Register? 

No, but the pier is situated on a known archaeological site, and is included on the Victorian Heritage Inventory (VHI: H7822-2426 The Picnic Point jetty and environs archaeological area).


Hampton Pier is more than 150 years old, how will the pier’s heritage values be considered?

The Sandringham Local Port Area Plan process investigated the pier’s heritage values and the community’s connection to it. The local port area plan will inform the design of the new pier. Parks Victoria will also be undertaking a Maritime Archaeological Assessment as part of project planning, to ensure any heritage values are protected. 


What is happening with Sandringham Harbour’s swing mooring ground?

The Sandringham Harbour Local Port Area Plan identified some key improvements which should be made for better safety and functionality. As a result, Parks Victoria is now undertaking the rearrangement of the harbour’s mooring ground to widen the navigation channel for safer boating.



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