O'Shannassy Aqueduct Trail Dee Slip Bridge Project

Project background

Last updated: July 2024

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This project is being delivered on Wurundjeri Country.

The Dee Slip Bridge is a timber trestle bridge spanning a section of the O’Shannassy Aqueduct Trail in the Yarra Ranges National Park. The bridge was constructed in 1947 after the aqueduct collapsed and the force of the water flow created a large hole in the side of the embankment. For many years the bridge was used as access to both the aqueduct and the walking trail. 

The bridge was closed to vehicles in 2017 after engineers determined it to be nearing the end of its useful life. 

In 2021, the bridge was damaged when a large pine tree collapsed onto it. To keep the community safe, access to the bridge has since been closed and a new temporary bypass track on the low side of the bridge has been created for public use in the interim.

Two design options are currently being considered and assessed by Parks Victoria for the project:

  • Repairing the existing bridge structure
  • Constructing an alternative trail to bypass the original bridge and connect to the O’Shannassy Aqueduct Trail 


Project timeline

We are currently undertaking phase 2 of investigations to confirm the feasibility of the design options for the project - this includes geotechnical and structural analysis.

In the interim, we are also undertaking detailed environmental, heritage and planning assessments on the site, with cultural heritage engagement and relevant approvals to commence shortly after a preferred option is identified. The date for commencement of work will be determined once these assessments are completed.

We thank the community for their patience while we continue to undertake project planning and assessments.

Staying updated

Information about this project will be maintained on this webpage.

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Why is the Dee Slip Bridge currently closed? 
A 2017 engineering assessment of the bridge determined the structure was nearing the end of its useful life. The bridge was then closed to vehicles and remained a pedestrian and cycle bridge.  

Another engineering assessment was undertaken in 2020 and recommended minor maintenance and long-term closure once the asset reached the end of its lifecycle.  

In 2021, a large pine tree fell and hit the bridge causing further damage. The bridge was closed until an engineer assessment was carried out in April 2021. This assessment concluded that the bridge was unsafe and should remain closed to the community. 

Since then, Parks Victoria has been undertaking investigations to understand future design options for the bridge.

We ask the community to please not access the bridge while it’s closed. Barriers have been put in place to keep the community safe and the newly created temporary bypass track should be used by the public in the interim. 

What work has Parks Victoria undertaken on the Dee Slip Bridge project so far? 
Parks Victoria has completed phase 1 preliminary investigations, which include:

  • Created a new temporary bypass track on the low side of the bridge, allowing for a safer crossing route while long-term planning for a permanent solution continues.
  • Engaged a team of engineers who have thoroughly inspected the bridge and issued a design report identifying design options.
  • Engaged a team of site surveyors to record the bridge and surrounding areas. This team produced a survey drawing which will help facilitate further design work on the project. 
  • Engaged a quantity surveyor to provide financial guidance on how to maximise the project budget and deliver the best outcome possible for the community.
  • Engaged specialist approvals consultants to visit the bridge and compile planning, heritage, and environmental data to ensure the project complies with relevant approvals. 
  • Engaged cultural heritage specialists to provide direction on how to minimise any impacts to culturally significant heritage areas on the site. 


Will you be consulting with the community on this project?

We’ll be sharing comprehensive project updates with the community and stakeholders informed as things progress. 

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