Murray River Adventure Trail
Project status
Consultation on draft plans for Stage One of the Murray River Adventure Trail was undertaken between 26 August and 7 October 2024.
We are now considering the feedback collected during this consultation. A summary of the engagement findings will be published on the Engage Victoria project page and shared with project subscribers when it is complete.
The project is commencing approvals and refining designs with information gained from consultation.
Last updated: January 2025
The project
We acknowledge Traditional Owners of the land and waters that the Murray River Adventure Trail passes through and pay respect to their culture, and their Elders past and present.
The Murray River is one of the most dominant features of the landscape in south-east Australia, with exceptional natural environments and significant Aboriginal cultural heritage. The Murray River is a key tourist destination, famous for diverse experiences including food, wine, boating, camping, fishing, riding, paddling and more.
When fully complete, the Murray River Adventure Trail will be a series of connected walking, cycling and paddling trails. This new nature-based experience will run along the river and its banks, all the way from Lake Hume in the east, near Wodonga, to Mildura in the west.
Parks Victoria is leading the planning and delivery of Stage One of the project which proposes new canoe and kayak launches, pedestrian links and new facilities at key visitor sites from Barmah National Park to Koondrook. Stage One will pass through Echuca, Murray River Reserve, Gunbower National Park and Lower Goulburn National Park.
This initial stage of the project will deliver improvements to key campgrounds along the trail alignment including several bookable campsites, canoe and kayak launches, toilets, car parking and picnic facilities. Several key pedestrian links will be planned and constructed under Stage One of the project. Planning for additional sections of trail and small bridge crossings required to connect the trail end-to-end will also be completed during this stage of the project but are not funded for construction.
New signage will help visitors navigate the trail and learn about the rich Aboriginal heritage and environmental values of the river and surrounding landscape. Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will inform exactly where, when and how components of the project are delivered.
Parks Victoria is working closely with Traditional Owners, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and local governments in the area.
In planning the trail network, Parks Victoria will undertake cultural and environmental assessments to ensure that any new sections of trail and visitor infrastructure are best placed to minimise impacts to the landscape and cultural heritage.
Project benefits
The trail will cater for both day visitors and multi-day trail users and will better connect towns along the river for paddling, walking and cycling. Visitors will enjoy river views and an enhanced understanding and appreciation of the rich environmental and cultural landscape they are in.
By improving information available and access to experience the Murray River, visitors will be able to better understand, appreciate and support protection of this unique river environment.
Community and economy
New nature-based tourism experiences and increased connectivity between towns in the Murray River region will encourage people to visit new locations, extend their stay, boost tourism and support the regional economy.
Project funding
$10.3 million from Victorian Government Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions to plan for and deliver priority Victorian sections of the trail.
Putting safety first
Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks.
While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.
Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually.
We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe. When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.
Who we are working with
The Murray Regional Tourism Board, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, and other partners including Traditional Owners, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, and local governments including Moira Shire Council, Campaspe Shire Council and Gannawarra Shire Council.
Stay up to date
Parks Victoria will provide updates and information as the project progresses and this page will be updated regularly. To stay up to date please register your interest to receive community updates.
You can also email us at or call us on 13 1963.
Why is the Murray River Adventure Trail being developed?
Despite the natural splendour of the Murray Region, nature-based tourism opportunities are limited. As part of the Murray Region Tourism Destination Management Plan (2012) - commissioned by Murray Regional Tourism - the Murray River Adventure Trail vision was first developed to create new opportunities. This project aims to attract new visitors to new locations, increase the length of stay and provide opportunities for adventure tourism, leading to new nature-based products and experiences.
What is proposed to be constructed under Stage One of the Murray River Adventure Trail?
New canoe and kayak launches, new facilities at several campgrounds, and a limited number of pedestrian links at key locations are proposed from Barmah National Park to Koondrook as part of Stage One of the trail. Visitor facilities proposed include picnic tables, car parking, bookable tent campsites, fire pits and toilets at key locations. While this project will plan, design and seek approvals for the entire length of trail between Barmah National Park and Koondrook, construction of some aspects of the trail may be completed in future stages of the project, depending on funding availability.
How many new canoe and kayak launches are proposed?
At this stage, we’re planning to construct four stepped water launches (and one ramp) and one floating pontoon style water launch which provides a more accessible option for those with additional mobility needs. Designs and planning for these important pieces of infrastructure are currently underway and available for view on this page.
Construction at some locations may be completed in future stages of the project, depending on funding availability.
Does this mean I’ll need to book a campsite in order to camp along the Murray River?
There are many locations where people can camp along the Trail or closely connected to it. Stage One of the Murray River Adventure Trail has 16 formal stopping points (trailheads), some at riverside towns, others at bush campsites. Eight existing campsites are proposed to be upgraded or formalised as part of this project, while others will receive minor improvements such as signage. Trail users wanting to do multi-day trips will be able to book a campsite in advance in some locations.
Visitors who don’t want to make use of the formal campground facilities will still be able to camp informally in many locations along the river as they do now (this is called dispersed camping or free camping). There are also some private accommodation options such as caravan parks along the trail.
What will the walking and cycling trail look like?
It is expected that the trail will be approximately 1.5m wide and made of unsealed crushed rock. To minimise the environmental impacts of this project, we will aim to use existing track where possible and formalise some informal local walking tracks. To create a complete end-to-end walking experience, there are some new sections of track required and some existing trails will be upgraded.
While this project will plan, design and seek approvals for the entire length of trail between Barmah and Koondrook, construction of some sections of trail may be completed in future stages of the project, depending on funding availability.
How will the environment be protected during the project?
Protecting cultural and environmental values is a guiding principle of this project. Extensive cultural and environmental assessments will be undertaken to ensure this is done appropriately.
The upgrades planned to existing trail are generally minor and are aimed at making the trail clear and defined to improve safety. This project will also help reduce environmental impacts by keeping walkers on the trail and off sensitive vegetation areas. In some areas, works will incorporate design features that manage drainage and erosion.
How will you protect Aboriginal cultural heritage values along the river?
Working with Traditional Owners on cultural heritage protection, interpretation and story-telling will be a core part of the project. Traditional Owner groups have been and will continue to be involved in the development of the project and infrastructure designs. The planning process will also seek to further understand the cultural landscape, which values and sites need protection and associated management plans, and what aspects of the rich culture heritage of the region Traditional Owners would like to share with people using the walk.
What are the project timelines?
Given the lengthy nature of the entire Murray River Adventure Trail, this project will be delivered in stages. Planning, design and approvals for Stage One of the Murray River Adventure Trail are currently underway and are expected to be complete in 2025, subject to the outcomes of on-ground assessments.
Construction on priority aspects of the trail will commence after this time. Construction of additional pedestrian links to connect this trail end-to-end are subject to future funding.