Northern and Central Victoria

Bendigo Regional Park Larni Yirrip camping area
The Dja Dja Wurrung Camping Village called Larni Yirrip (Home of the Ironbarks) is a new campground being created in Bendigo Regional Park.

Expedition Pass Reservoir upgrade
A project is underway to explore options for strengthening the dam wall of the reservoir, ensuring it can remain safe and open to park visitors for many years to come.

Kinglake National Park - The Gums campground upgrades
With great facilities in a delightful bush setting close to Melbourne, The Gums campground is a popular base for relaxing and exploring the northern section of Kinglake National Park. The campground is being upgraded to make it even more enjoyable. The upgrades include new fencing, new vegetation to screen campsites from each other, resurfacing the access road, upgraded signs, new picnic tables and firepits, and an extended barbeque shelter.

Lake Eildon National Park camping updates
A project is underway to update visitor facilities and address the ageing infrastructure impacting the water supply at Fraser Block in Lake Eildon National Park.

The Murray River Adventure Trail will encompass a series of connecting walking, cycling and watercraft trails along the Murray River and its banks. As part of Stage One of the project, new and upgraded trails and other new visitor facilities will be implemented from Barmah National Park (near Picnic Point) to Koondrook.

Upper Teddington Dam Safety Project
Due to the potential long-term safety risks and ongoing maintenance costs, Parks Victoria has made the decision to decommission the Upper Teddington Reservoir at Kara Kara National Park.