Mordialloc Creek Project
Project status
April 2023:
- This project is now complete and the area reopened to the public.
- We've replaced the deteriorated Mordialloc Creek sheet pile wall with a new and durable steel wall. Replacing this coastal infrastructure provides a safer boating access and protects against naturally-occurring coastal erosion.
Mordialloc Creek is a popular bay side destination for local and visitors which provides views over Port Phillip and plays host to a range of activities, including walking, yachting, boating, kayaking / paddle boarding, angling / fishing and swimming.
The entrance to Mordialloc Creek where it connects with Port Phillip, is abutted with wave baffle structures to retain the banks of the creek. The baffles and associated boardwalks extend for approximately 100 metres on both sides of the entrance.
Originally constructed in the 1990s, replacement wave baffles were added in 2017 in front of the old steel sheet pile walls. Parks Victoria also undertook some repairs including pouring concrete behind the wall to close holes, however, recent inspections have revealed rapid deterioration of the infrastructure.
In 2018, consultants Cardno were engaged by Parks Victoria to evaluate the condition of the sheet pile walls and to recommend suitable options to replace the deteriorated sheet-pile walls. A further study examining wave modelling for the creek entrance to improve wave climate was carried out by Cardno in early 2021. This modelling report recommended the construction of a new sheet-pile wall (or concrete wall) for the eastern and western sides of the river entrance.
Project partner and funding
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
The Mordialloc Creek project is part of the Victorian Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works initiative.
Project timeline
This timeline will be updated as the project progresses
- Planning and approvals: April - December 2021 completed
- Tender for construction: September - October 2021 completed
- Works underway: March 2022 completed
- Works conclude: Autumn 2023 completed
Key information
Parks Victoria has worked with consultants Cardno Pty Ltd to assess the current condition of coastal infrastructure, consider future sea level rise and determine a recommended approach to improve wave climate at Mordialloc Creek entrance on Bunurong Sea Country.
In response to this study, construction of replacement and new coastal infrastructure to help reduce the impacts of naturally occurring coastal erosion, while also ensuring continued safe boating access is being planned for Mordialloc Creek.
For now, the priority is the ‘like for like’ replacement of the existing but deteriorating seawall infrastructure at the creek entrance. This includes replacement of a 140 metre section of the wall on the western side and 175 metre section on the eastern side of the river entrance using steel sheets.
Plan A: Existing conditions and sheet pile wall replacement works
Access impacts during construction
Scheduling works to minimise impacts to the community is our priority, however, some disruptions are unavoidable to ensure public safety. The schedule and duration of work is dependent on a number of variables such as weather, steel supply, tide levels, and contractor availability and methodology.
The creek will remain open with the majority of works to be undertaken landside. There may also be some impacts on vessels berthed alongside the sheet pile wall which Parks Victoria and the appointed contractor will work through with impacted berth holders.
Construction activities and heavy machinery will result in some noise, dust and vibration however impacts will be monitored and minimised wherever possible. A site office will be established within the construction site. Temporary closures of public space where construction activities are in progress and pedestrian detours may apply.
Further details about the work schedule and potential impacts will be made available via this Project Page and onsite signage as the work progresses.
Other information
Parks Victoria is the local port manager for Port Phillip, Western Port and Port Campbell. The three local ports combined receive approximately 80 million visits a year, and include 263,000 hectares of waterway, marine protected areas, channels, piers and jetties, moorings and aids to navigation.
Stay updated
For general enquiries email or call us on 13 1963.
Related items
Places to see – Mordialloc Pier
Read the Community Update (October 2022)
Frequently asked questions
Why are the works needed?
Due to the deteriorated condition of the existing seawall infrastructure, Parks Victoria is replacing the sheet pile wall on both sides of the Mordialloc Creek river entrance.
What approvals are required for these works?
As the sheet pile wall works represent a like for like replacement, statutory approvals are not required. However, Parks Victoria voluntarily elected to seek a planning permit from the statutory authority, Kingston City Council.
What is a Sheet Pile Wall?
Sheet piles are sections of sheet materials with interlocking edges that are driven into the ground to provide earth retention and excavation support. Sheet piles are most commonly made of steel but can also be formed of timber or reinforced concrete. At Mordialloc Creek the sheet pile wall acts as a ‘seawall’ erected on the river shoreline to combat erosion and recession and prevent inundation of low-lying areas and can help mitigate the impacts of climate change and sea level rise. The sheet pile at Mordialloc Creek will be made of steel and designed to provide strong service life.
When will a decision on other proposed coastal infrastructure improvements be made?
There is no current commitment by Parks Victoria on the design or construction of additional coastal erosion and wave climate measures. To be kept informed of the project and any announcements, please subscribe to the Mordialloc Creek Project mailing list.
Who is doing the construction work?
Parks Victoria will oversee the work. Following a tender process, Parks Victoria has appointed Contek Constructions Pty Ltd as the construction partner.