Alterations to mooring design or location
An application must be submitted for approval when a permit holder wants to relocate their mooring tackle or to substantially alter the design of their mooring tackle in a way that will affect the current mooring swing pattern (e.g. from conventional mooring tackle to screw pin mooring).
To apply to alter your mooring design or location, an application must be completed and submitted to for approval. Please ensure that all requirements under the Mandatory Attachment Checklist are provided with the application. If these are not received, the application process cannot proceed.
MOORING ALTERATION FORM (PDF)Alterations to a mooring cannot occur unless the application is approved. A compliant Mooring Report and Mooring Condition Report will need to be supplied after the relocation or alteration.

Applying for a berthing permit
Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

Applying for a mooring permit
Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

Waiting lists
Waiting Lists exist for any mooring ground or berthing area where sites are not immediately available.

Fees and invoicing
There are various fees and charges that apply when applying, transferring and maintaining a permit.

Transferring a permit to a third party
In mooring grounds where Waiting Lists do not operate, permits for mooring/berthing sites may be transferred to a person of your preference. Transferring any existing mooring tackle is a private transaction between the two parties involved.

Change of vessel nominated on a permit
A permit is issued for a single nominated vessel of which the permit holder must be the sole owner or equal/majority shareholder of this vessel.

Relinquishing a permit
To relinquish your permit, a notification form must be completed and submitted for approval.

Mooring site issue resolution
What to do if you are experiencing an issue with your mooring site.