Fees and invoicing
There are various fees and charges that apply when applying, transferring and maintaining a permit. Applicable fees and charges can be found on the Fees and charges page. Fees and charges are subject to annual change each financial year.
FEES AND CHARGESParks Victoria is making changes to the way permits and invoices are issued for all mooring and berth permit holders in 2025.
As of 1 July 2025, Parks Victoria will standardised the permit renewal date for all mooring and berthing grounds to 1 July of each year. Invoicing for the administration fee will be issued approximately 4 weeks prior to this date.
From the 1st of February 2025, a pro-rata invoice will be issued to permit holders with permits that expire before 1 July 2025 to extend the current permit to the new renewal date.
Pro-rata administration fees (to 1 July each year) are also charged at the time of any permit transfer or new application, together with the applicable transfer or establishment fee.
An establishment fee applies for all new mooring permit applications.
In areas where a Parks Victoria Standard Identification Buoy is required, the charge is met by the applicant.
Parks Victoria provide refunds only due to closure of infrastructure.
Concession fees are applicable to holders of a valid:
- Health Care Card;
- Pensioner Concession Card; or
- Veterans Affairs Gold Cards: All conditions, War Widow, TPI, POW and EDA.
To request a concession on fees, please send through proof of your current Commonwealth Concession Card to moorings@parks.vic.gov.au.

Waiting lists
Waiting Lists exist for any mooring ground or berthing area where sites are not immediately available.

Mooring tackle inspections
All mooring tackle must be inspected by an Authorised Mooring Contractor every 12 months.

Authorised mooring contractors
Mooring tackle contractors must be authorised by Parks Victoria under the Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015.

Transferring a permit to a third party
In mooring grounds where Waiting Lists do not operate, permits for mooring/berthing sites may be transferred to a person of your preference. Transferring any existing mooring tackle is a private transaction between the two parties involved.

Change of vessel nominated on a permit
A permit is issued for a single nominated vessel of which the permit holder must be the sole owner or equal/majority shareholder of this vessel.

Alterations to mooring design or location
An application must be submitted for approval when a permit holder wants to relocate their mooring tackle or to substantially alter the design of their mooring tackle in a way that will affect the current mooring swing pattern.

Relinquishing a permit
To relinquish your permit, a notification form must be completed and submitted for approval.

Mooring site issue resolution
What to do if you are experiencing an issue with your mooring site.