Mooring site issue resolution
If you are experiencing an issue with your mooring site, such as proximity to surrounding moorings, environmental factors, etc., please contact your nominated Authorised Mooring Contractor for assistance.
AUTHORISED MOORING CONTRACTOR LIST (PDF)If your Authorised Mooring Contractor is unable to resolve the issue, you may contact to advise of the issue.
Please be aware that the mooring permit issued by Parks Victoria simply allows mooring tackle to be installed on the seabed – it does not give you ownership of the seabed or of the water surrounding your mooring tackle.

Applying for a berthing permit
Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

Applying for a mooring permit
Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

Waiting lists
Waiting Lists exist for any mooring ground or berthing area where sites are not immediately available.

Fees and invoicing
There are various fees and charges that apply when applying, transferring and maintaining a permit.

Standard identification buoys
Standard Identification Buoys are required in the below mooring grounds in Port Phillip and Western Port and must be fitted as part of the mooring tackle.

Alterations to mooring design or location
An application must be submitted for approval when a permit holder wants to relocate their mooring tackle or to substantially alter the design of their mooring tackle in a way that will affect the current mooring swing pattern.

Relinquishing a permit
To relinquish your permit, a notification form must be completed and submitted for approval.

Mooring site issue resolution
What to do if you are experiencing an issue with your mooring site.