All mooring tackle must be inspected by an Authorised Mooring Contractor every 12 months. Parks Victoria recommends engaging an Authorised Mooring Contractor at least 6 weeks prior to your inspection due date to ensure that they can schedule in the inspection.


The Authorised Mooring Contractor will produce a Mooring Report from the inspection, a copy of which must be emailed to as evidence that the mooring is in a safe and serviceable condition.

Failure to supply Parks Victoria with a current and compliant Mooring Report is a breach of the permit terms and conditions and may result in cancellation of your permit.

When a permit transfer occurs, an Authorised Mooring Contractor must be engaged to inspect the mooring for the transfer and confirm that the mooring tackle and swing room area is suitable for the incoming vessel. A Mooring Report and a Mooring Condition Report for the transfer inspection must be supplied to Parks Victoria when a permit transfer occurs. A Mooring Report that has been completed as part of your annual inspection is not sufficient, in this instance.

yachts berthed at a pier

Applying for a berthing permit

Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

yachts moored in a bay

Applying for a mooring permit

Individuals wanting to install a new mooring must engage an Authorised Mooring Contractor.

aerial view of a pier

Waiting lists

Waiting Lists exist for any mooring ground or berthing area where sites are not immediately available.

boats moored at a jetty

Fees and invoicing

There are various fees and charges that apply when applying, transferring and maintaining a permit.

boats and yachts moored with city skyline at night

Standard identification buoys

Standard Identification Buoys are required in the below mooring grounds in Port Phillip and Western Port and must be fitted as part of the mooring tackle.

marine patrol boat in water

Alterations to mooring design or location

An application must be submitted for approval when a permit holder wants to relocate their mooring tackle or to substantially alter the design of their mooring tackle in a way that will affect the current mooring swing pattern.

small boat moored at a pier

Relinquishing a permit

To relinquish your permit, a notification form must be completed and submitted for approval.

a pier and harbour with boats at sunrise

Mooring site issue resolution

What to do if you are experiencing an issue with your mooring site.

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