Tall forests experience brand territory
Victoria’s tall forests are vast, mysterious and full of life.
The Mountain ash is the primary feature of this territory. Iconic to this Victorian landscape, Mountain ash is strongly embedded in the indigenous and colonial narratives of Victoria.
The towering eucalypt provides a dramatic backdrop, while lush fern fronds unfurl in the foreground and a lyrebird nestles in the undergrowth, hidden within the shapes of the ferns. Lyrebirds flourish in parts of Victoria, taking advantage of the food sources and coverage that tall forests provide.
The stepping stones at the base of the large waterfall are a reference from the Parks Victoria Managing Country Together artwork ‘Meereeng’ by Gary Walker. In the original artwork, the series of small bands symbolise Victoria’s extensive mountain ranges that have provided shelter and food for Aboriginal people for thousands of generations.
Sample list of parks that belong to the Tall forests territory