Visual identity

Parks Victoria is identified by its master brand identity. As a Victorian Government statutory authority, our brand reflects the State Government Brand Victoria guidelines that work in combination with the Parks Victoria brand architecture.

The chevrons in the logo represent the land (green) and water (blue) that we manage and take the shape of mountains and waves.

Corporate brands

Parks Victoria does more than manage our diverse land and waterways. We are committed to six key strategic pillars in addition to our duty as land managers. We're into nature to protect and celebrate precious places that hold significant environmental, cultural and social values. These are represented in our brand architecture as endorsed brands. We use them to give the pillar relevant endorsement on behalf of Parks Victoria on communication items produced by Parks Victoria.


Putting Safety First

Visitor safety is our number one priority in how Parks Victoria manages risk in parks. Nature being nature, brings with it uncertain weather events, most devastatingly, bushfires that impact our parks in severe, damaging ways. Putting Safety First is a communications approach:

  • Used on all PV safety initiatives and messages: eg. internal (Safety First Zero Injuries) and visitor safety (Open, Safe & Clean, signage)
  • A positive statement on ‘why’ we do certain safety-related activities (both outdoors and indoors)
  • Provides greater social licence to implement safety-related initiatives.


Conservation and Science

Conservation through evidence-based research is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to conservation and look after the most important areas of habitat for Victoria's native plants and animals. Conservation and Science programs enable us to protect and preserve precious ecosystems across Victoria for future generations to enjoy. Evidence of the positive impact of our conservation activities provides greater social license for Parks Victoria to advocate for nature on important environmental issues.


Managing Country Together

Parks Victoria recognises that Aboriginal people have lived throughout Victoria for more than a thousand generations, maintaining complex societies with many languages, kinship systems, laws, polities and spiritualities. Managing Country Together is the framework by which Parks Victoria operates in the following areas:

  • Partnering with Traditional Owners, including in jointly managed parks
  • Protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • Aboriginal health and well-being.


Healthy Parks Healthy People

Our parks play an essential role in people’s health and wellbeing regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or ability. Growing scientific evidence and generations of traditional knowledge confirms that spending time in nature is good for our mind, body and soul. Parks Victoria’s nature-based health programs connect people to parks and enables them to experience the health benefits of nature. With a range of guided Park Walks, nature-based health seminars, partnerships and more, we promote the concept of Healthy Parks Healthy People. Healthy Parks Healthy People has an important relationship to park funding, economic growth and developing vibrant communities.


Sharing Nature's Stories

It's our past and our present - everything in nature is place-based – it happens ‘somewhere’ in nature. Sharing Nature’s Stories is the explanation or interpretation of Victoria's unique ecological, geographical and historical value that help people understand the landscape (place) and its history. We put an emphasis on educating people about nature, for to truly respect and love our precious places, you need to understand why they're important and why we take extra care to look after them


Supporting Nature's Future

Supporting Nature’s Future applies to everything we can and must do now to guarantee nature will be around for generations to come. Our activities that seek support such as advocacy, volunteering, giving and corporate sponsorship are all designed to protect and care for nature into the future. Our commercial operations also give back to nature. Our investment in capital infrastructure works and asset maintenance and repair, all require the firm focus we have as land managers on ensuring our parks can be the best they can be for future generations.

Experience brands

The six brand territory identities represent Victoria’s diverse landscape and show a variety of visitor experiences available across the state. The brand territories approach helps to visualise the brand essence of Into Nature with an immersive and inclusive experience-led design approach. The Experience Brands are underpinned by a sense of discovery with each illustration alluding to an array of iconic features and experiences in nature. There’s more to see in each illustration, in the same way that nature is constantly changing.

Bays, lakes and rivers brand identity thumbnail

Bays lakes and rivers experience brand territory

Bays, lakes & rivers represents sites that are on a bay (including Port Phillip and Western Port), or beside a lake, river or stream that dominates over other local settings.

Beaches and coasts brand identity thumbnail

Beaches and coasts experience brand territory

Beaches & coasts represents parks that are in a coastal setting on land and marine parks outside the ports.

Mountain peaks brand identity

Mountain peaks experience brand territory

Mountain peaks represents parks where rocky ranges and geological rock formations dominate, including Victoria's alpine high country.

Rugged bushlands brand identity thumbnail

Rugged bushlands experience brand territory

Rugged bushlands represents varying open, dry forest, woodland or bushland where dry, arid conditions and Mallee vegetation dominates. The territory also includes parks on grassy plains or those dominated by scrub and largely void of tall trees.

Tall forests brand identity thumbnail

Tall forests experience brand territory

Tall forests represents rainforest or tall forest settings where mountain ash, large old growth trees and/or myrtle beech or sassafras exist.

Urban parks brand identity thumbnail

Urban parks experience brand territory

Urban parks are park and gardens that contained modified parkland, botanic gardens managed for horticultural display or parks located in a predominantly urban setting.

Get to know the Parks Victoria brand

A couple look out over a bay and towards a remote beach on Wilsons Promontory.

Brand hub

Get Into Nature with the Parks Victoria brand, watch the brand film and learn more on who and what we’re about.
Two women walk towards the summit of Mt Bogong in the Alpine National Park.

Brand strategy

Understand the Parks Victoria brand meaning, architecture and the story behind what’s brought us here today.
Aboriginal rock art at Gulgurn Manja Shelter in the Grampians National Park.

Visual identity

Explore the visual approach that expresses our brand identity across diverse landscapes and special causes.
A man looks out of his tent towards his partner walking towards him with the coast in the background at Johanna Beach in the Great Otway National Park.

Applying our brand

Access style guides and user manuals for implementing our brand, and download tools, templates and logo files.
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