Karkarook Park accessibility information
Before visiting Karkarook Park, check the park page on the website for the latest changes of conditions.
Dragonfly Picnic Area
There is one designated disabled parking bay on the left at the far end of this carpark. The carpark surface is level and sealed. The bay is 3.5 metres wide and has ample space for left side and rear disembarking from vehicles. is close to the main access path leading from the carpark.
The designated disabled parking bay is close to the main access path leading from the carpark. This path gives access to the Dragonfly Picnic Area, the toilet block, Dragonfly lookout tower and the children’s playground. The path is sealed and has a slope of approximately 1 in 20 over 50 metres.
Designated disabled parking bay and access path leading from the carpark to the information shelter, toilets and tower.
Information shelter at Dragonfly Picnic Area showing map of the park.
Picnic facilities and playground
At Dragonfly Picnic Area there are several individual tables on the grassed areas. The individual tables are the square design with one open side to allow wheelchair users to sit at the table or those requiring back support to bring their own chairs and sit at the table.
There is a children’s playground close to the picnic facilities. The playground has a range of equipment including swings and slides. Accessible play areas for children with low mobility are, unfortunately, limited in this playground.
The children’s playground at Dragonfly Picnic Area
The toilet block contains one unisex disabled cubicle between the male and female entrances. The swing door opens inward with a large vertical handle. The door is light to open and is fitted with a rotating door lock. Finger dexterity is not required to operate the lock.
The toilet amenities, showing the unisex disabled toilet entrance located between the male and female toilets.
The cubicle is large with ample turning room and wheelchair space beside the toilet. The height of the toilet is 420 millimetres, and there are side and rear grab rails. The flush buttons are directly behind the seat, are raised and require only light pressure to operate.
The hand basin has clear space under it, no exposed hot water pipes and the tap is lever operated. It requires only light upward pressure to turn it on and it remains on until it is pushed back down.
Unisex disabled toilet
Unisex disabled toilet handbasin
Information Centre
Beyond the toilets is a large undercover area with a concrete floor and several picnic tables. There is also an information centre with level entry and low display panels.
Information centre at the Dragonfly picnic area.
Dragonfly Observation Tower
The Dragonfly Observation Tower is opposite the information centre. It is entered directly from the concrete surface via a ramp, which proceeds straight to the top at a 1 in 14 gradient with level rest areas. At the end of the ramp is a large, flat observation area that overlooks the park and the lake to the north.
The ramp to access the Dragonfly Observation Tower
Dragonfly Observation Tower
Access to the lake
Below the Dragonfly Observation Tower s a sealed path that leads down to the lake. This path is 80 metres in length and has a constant gradient of 1 in 12, without any level rest areas. The final 10 metres increases to a gradient of 1 in 10.
The path below the observation tower that leads down to the lake and connects with the Lake Walk.
Sheoak Picnic Area
The Sheoak Picnic Area is serviced by two carparks: The Sheoak Carpark and the Butterfly carpark.
The Sheoak carpark gives access to the path and the boat launching facility. There are no designated disabled parking bays in this carpark.
The Butterfly carpark has four marked disabled parking bays. These are located in the centre of the carpark, with two on either side. Each bay is four metres wide and they share a centre access/loading area. The carpark surface is asphalt and level. A sealed path leading directly from these carparks gives access to the Sheoak picnic area. The path to the lake and Lake Walk has gradients of up to 1 in 10. There is a gentler alternative at the end of the carpark nearest the entrance, where the path’s gradient is a consistent 1 in 14 to the lake edge.
Picnic facilities
There are several picnic shelters in the Sheoak Picnic Area which can be accessed by going over the grass. The picnic tables in these shelters do not have the overhang table ends designed for wheelchairs.
Picnic tables with the square design that allows wheelchair users to sit at the table can be found in the picnic areas, but these are not under shelter. Those requiring back support are recommended to bring their own chairs to sit at the table.
There are several gas barbecues located in the Sheoak Picnic Area which can also be accessed by going over the grass.
Picnic table designs and one of several shelters at Sheoak Picnic Area.
One of the gas barbecues at Sheoak Picnic Area.
Lake Walk
The Lake Walk begins at the small pedestrian bridge over the inlet. The approaches to either side of the bridge are the steepest points on the trail. Both approaches are short but have a gradient of 1 in 12.
From the bridge, the walk circles the lake and has a total distance of 1.8 kilometres. The trail surface is predominately flat, smooth asphalt with a minimum width of 1.8 metres. The sloping sections do not exceed a 1 in 20 gradient.
The predominately flat path of the Lake Walk goes around the entire lake.
Picnic facilities
Just after the pedestrian bridge on the Lake Walk there is a picnic area with a picnic shelter and several of the square, open-sided tables. Past the picnic area is a small fishing jetty that is accessed from another asphalt path. The gradient of this path is 1 in 14. The jetty is level with the path and has a large 'T' section at the end. Fishing is permitted from this jetty.
The picnic area with the fishing jetty nearby.
Three quarters of the way around the lake is a second jetty accessed by a short access path. This path is steep. Assistance and caution would be needed by wheelchair and walker-users to access this jetty. The slope is consistently 1 in 10 with the final 25 metres increasing to 1 in 8.
Small boat launching
Close to the Sheoak Picnic Area is a small boat or canoe launching area. It has a small concrete ramp and an adjacent loading jetty. Both are accessed from the Lake Walk, with level access onto the loading jetty.
The ramp on the small boat launching area.
Loading jetty adjacent to the small boat launching area.
The Wetlands Walk
On the Warragul Road side of the lake is another set of walks through the wetlands which are a great place to observe the local birdlife. These paths are compacted fine gravel. The path with the least gradient is the one commencing immediately below the observation tower. The maximum slope on this trail is a short length of 1 in 14 as it climbs the rise.
The path to the right crosses a boardwalk which has a handrail rail on one side and a 75 millimetres strip on the other. Following the path to the boundary road at the fence and turning right brings you back to the Lake Trail.
All abilities access