Condition and management outcomes for historic heritage places and objects
State of the Parks Fourth Edition
Understanding the condition of historic heritage places and objects informs park management in setting and achieving objectives to conserve the historic heritage places and objects found within the parks network. Each heritage place requires different conservation strategies depending on their physical fabric, scale, and complexity. In some cases, such as in managing archaeological sites that contain remnant machinery, the role of park management may be to simply allow these structures to weather in-situ and ensure there are no interventions.
Condition of historic heritage places and objects
Extent management objectives met for conservation of historic heritage places and objects
Data confidence
Condition of historic heritage places and objects
- Park managers reported that the condition of historic heritage places and objects was very good or good in one-third of relevant parks. Although condition was stable in 71% of these parks, significantly more parks reported that it declined (19%) than improved (9%) since 2013.
- For the 55 assessed parks that include places on the Victorian Heritage Register, park managers reported that heritage places and objects were in very good or good condition in 45% of parks. These parks showed a similar trend; condition remained stable in 65% but declined in significantly more parks (29%) than improved (6%).
*Calculated from parks that were assessed in both 2013 and 2018 (n = 149), excluding parks where condition was unknown
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
*Calculated from parks that were assessed in both 2013 and 2018 (n = 51 parks), excluding parks where condition was unknown
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
Extent management objectives met for conservation of historic heritage places and objects
- Park managers reported that almost 30% of relevant parks indicated that they were fully or substantially meeting objectives for the management of historic heritage places and objects. This has remained stable since 2013.
- While a similar percentage of the 55 parks with places on the Victorian Heritage Register fully or substantially met objectives, fewer parks indicated that objectives were not met at all. Although the extent to which objectives were met remained stable for most of these parks (64%), significantly more parks reported that it decreased than increased (29% compared to 8%, respectively).
*Calculated from parks that were assessed in both 2013 and 2018 (n = 175)
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
*Calculated from parks that were assessed in both 2013 and 2018 (n = 52)
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
Data confidence
Confidence in park manager assessments for condition and extent objective met for historic heritage assets
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
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